Conjunctive Markers of Contrast in English and French : From Syntax to Lexis and Discourse.
Material type:
Intro -- Conjunctive Markers of Contrast in English and French -- Editorial page -- Title page -- Copyright page -- Table of contents -- List of tables -- List of figures -- List of abbreviations -- Acknowledgements -- 1. Introduction -- 1.1 Background -- 1.2 Objectives of the study -- 1.3 Framework of the study -- 1.4 Outline of the book -- 2. Defining the key constructs -- 2.1 Issues of comparability for contrastive analysis -- 2.1.1 Equivalence and tertium comparationis -- 2.1.2 Various types of equivalence -- 2.1.3 Issues of circularity in contrastive linguistics: Chesterman's Contrastive Functional Analysis -- 2.2 Conjunctive markers -- 2.2.1 Cohesion and coherence -- 2.2.2 A focus on conjunctive cohesion -- 2.2.3 Different views on conjunction: Broad and narrow approaches -- Taxis in Systemic Functional Linguistics -- Arguments in favour of the narrow and the broad approaches to conjunction -- Other approaches to conjunction -- 2.2.4 Towards a broad definition of conjunction -- 2.2.5 Some core features of conjunctive markers -- Optionality -- Specific features of the three types of conjunctive markers -- 2.3 Contrast -- 2.3.1 Overview of the literature on contrast -- Number and types of relations of contrast -- Categorisation of relations of contrast -- 2.3.2 Contrast in the present book -- Towards a tripartite view of contrast -- Features of the relations of contrast -- 2.4 Conclusion -- 3. Corpus-based contrastive approaches to conjunctive markers -- 3.1 Corpus-based contrastive linguistics -- 3.1.1 The benefits of a corpus approach to comparing languages -- 3.1.2 Types of corpora in contrastive linguistics -- 3.1.3 Register-sensitive contrastive linguistics: An emerging trend in contrastive linguistics.
3.2 Corpus-based contrastive research on conjunctive markers -- 3.2.1 Cross-linguistic equivalences between conjunctive markers -- 3.2.2 Onomasiological approaches to conjunctive markers -- 3.3 Conjunctive markers in English and French -- 3.3.1 Frequency of conjunctive markers in English and French -- 3.3.2 Preferred types of conjunctive markers in English and French -- 3.4 Conclusion -- 4. Systemic Functional Linguistics, corpus linguistics and the textual metafunction -- 4.1 Systemic Functional Linguistics and corpus linguistics: A promising synergy -- 4.1.1 Systemic Functional Linguistics and corpus linguistics: A 'natural affinity' -- 4.1.2 SFL and CL: Areas of divergence -- 4.1.3 Corpus-based Systemic Functional Linguistics: Where do we stand? -- 4.2 Zooming in on the textual metafunction -- 4.2.1 The textual metafunction and thematic structure: Theme and Rheme in Systemic Functional Linguistics -- Theme and Rheme in Systemic Functional Linguistics -- Several types of Theme -- The Rheme: The parent pauvre of thematic structure -- Controversy over thematic structure: Theme/Rheme boundary and cross-linguistic validity -- 4.2.2 Thematic structure and conjunctive markers -- 4.3 Conclusion -- 5. Data and methodology -- 5.1 Data -- 5.1.1 Comparable or translation data? -- 5.1.2 Description of the corpus data -- 5.2 Methodology -- 5.2.1 Four main methodological steps -- Compilation of a list of English and French conjunctive markers of contrast -- Automatic extraction of the conjunctive markers from the corpus -- 5.2.2 Statistical methods -- Frequency comparisons: The chi-square test of independence -- Taking the internal variability of the corpus data into account -- Description of the chi-square test of independence -- Classification and Regression Trees (CART).
5.3 Conclusion -- 6. Beyond automatic extraction -- 6.1 Semantic disambiguation -- 6.1.1 The polyfunctionality of conjunctive markers -- 6.1.2 Contrast and other meaning relations: Some areas of overlap -- 6.1.3 Dealing with ambiguity: The use of double tags -- 6.2 Syntactic segmentation -- 6.2.1 What do conjunctive markers link? -- 6.2.2 Clauses in English and French -- 6.2.3 Distinguishing between phrasal and clausal segments -- 6.2.4 Coding the syntactic features of the host clause -- 6.3 Conclusion -- 7. Frequency and patterns of use of English and French conjunctive markers of contrast -- 7.1 Introduction -- 7.2 Frequencies of conjunctive markers of contrast in English and French editorials -- 7.2.1 Overall frequency of conjunctive markers of contrast -- 7.2.2 Preferred types of conjunctive markers in English and French -- 7.2.3 Lexical breakdown of the corpus results -- Lexical variety of conjunctive markers in English and French -- Frequency features of individual conjunctive markers of contrast -- 7.3 Syntactic patterning of conjunctive markers of contrast -- 7.3.1 Syntactic patterning of English and French conjunctive markers of contrast -- Syntactic patterns of English and French conjunctive adjuncts of contrast -- Syntactic patterns of English and French coordinators of contrast -- Syntactic patterns of English and French subordinators of contrast -- 7.3.2 The syntax-discourse interface -- Syntactic fragmentation as an emphatic device -- Syntactic compression of contrastive linking in English and French editorials -- 7.3.3 The syntax-lexis interface -- 7.4 Conjunctive adjuncts of contrast in English and French: A cross-register comparison -- 7.4.1 Frequency of conjunctive adjuncts of contrast in English and French: A comparison of newspaper editorials and academic writing. Overall frequencies of English and French conjunctive markers in LOCRA and Mult-Ed -- Lexical breakdown of the corpus results -- 7.4.2 Syntactic patterns of English and French conjunctive markers of contrast in editorials and academic writing: A focus on sentence-initial coordinators -- 7.5 Conclusion -- 8. Placement patterns of English and French conjunctive adjuncts of contrast -- 8.1 Introduction -- 8.2 A Systemic Functional approach to conjunctive adjunct placement -- 8.3 Conjunctive adjunct placement across languages and registers: A general overview -- 8.3.1 Conjunctive adjunct placement in English and French: Intralingual cross-register co -- 8.3.2 Cross-linguistic comparison of English and French conjunctive adjunct placement: A register-sensitive account -- 8.3.3 Respective weight of language and register on conjunctive adjunct placement -- 8.4 Conjunctive adjunct placement at the syntax-discourse interface -- 8.4.1 Conjunctive adjunct placement in English and French: A range of discourse functions -- Thematic 1 conjunctive adjuncts as 'pure' markers of conjunction -- Rhematic 1 conjunctive adjuncts -- Rhematic 2 conjunctive adjuncts -- A short word on thematic 2 and rhematic 3 conjunctive adjuncts -- 8.4.2 Discourse effects of CA placement and cross-register differences -- 8.5 Conjunctive adjunct placement at the syntax-lexis interface -- 8.5.1 Individual placement patterns of English and French conjunctive adjuncts of contrast -- English -- French -- 8.5.2 The combined influence of lexis and register on conjunctive adjunct placement -- English -- French -- Respective influence of lexis and register on English and French conjunctive adjunct placement -- English -- French -- 8.6 Conclusion -- 9. General conclusion.
9.1 Summary of the main findings -- 9.1.1 Frequency and patterns of use of English and French conjunctive markers of contrast -- 9.1.2 Placement patterns of English and French conjunctive adjuncts of contrast -- 9.2 Main contributions of the study -- 9.2.1 Contribution to (contrastive) discourse analysis -- 9.2.2 Systemic Functional Linguistics and corpus linguistics -- 9.2.3 Quantitative vs qualitative/macro vs micro linguistic research -- 9.3 Promising avenues for future research -- References -- Appendices -- Appendix 1: List of newspapers and academic journals included in the corpus -- Appendix 2: Individual syntactic patterning of English and French conjunctive markers of contrast -- 1. Clause types -- 2. Rank status -- Appendix 3. Non-pruned Classification and Regression Trees emerging from the analysis of English and French conjunctive adjunct placement -- Index.
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Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest Ebook Central, 2023. Available via World Wide Web. Access may be limited to ProQuest Ebook Central affiliated libraries.
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