Trial by Farce : A Dozen Medieval French Comedies in English for the Modern Stage.
Material type:
Intro -- Contents -- Preface -- A Special Note to Actors and Directors -- Abbreviations and Short Titles -- List of Illustrations -- Introduction: Judgment Calls -- Farce to Farce with the Law -- On the Boundaries of Humor -- About This Translation: Le Mot Juste, l'Acte Juste -- Translational Politics and the Politics of Translation -- The Language of Farce -- Legal Players and Legalese -- Editions and Printed Sources -- Critical Apparatus, Stage Directions, and Composite Editions -- Money Math -- Prose, Verse, and Music -- Brief Plot Summaries -- The Plays -- 1. Not Gettin' Any [La Farce du Nouveau Mari�e qui ne peult fournir �a l'appoinctement de sa femme] (Le Nouveau Mari�e) (RBM, #2) -- 2. Default Judgment Day, or, In Arrears [Une Femme qui demande les arr�erages �a son mari] (RBM, #8 -- Rousset, #6) -- 3. The Washtub: A New Translation [La Farce du Cuvier] (RBM, #4) -- 4. Basket Case [La Farce de la Femme qui fut desrob�ee �a son mari en sa hotte et mise une pierre en son lieu] (RC, #23) -- 5. Who's Your Daddy? [Jenin, Filz de Rien] (RBM, #20) -- 6. Interlude: Beauballs, a Charivari [L'Esbatement de Coillebaut] (Ms. 25, Biblioth�eque de Berne) -- 7. Poor Bastards [Les Batars de Caulx] (RLV, #48) -- 8. Talking Turkey, or, A Pilgrim's Progress [La Farce de Colin, filz de Th�evot le maire, qui vient de Naples et amaine ung Turc prisonnier] (RC, #5 -- RBM, #47 -- Rousset, #2) -- 9. Okay, Cupid [Le Proc�es d'un jeune moyne et d'un viel gendarme] (RT, #29 -- Rousset, #7) -- 10. Witless Protection [La M�ere, la Fille, le Tesmoing, L'Amoureulx, et l'Oficial] (L'Official) (RLV, #22) -- 11. The Trial of Johnny Slowpoke [Jehan de Lagny] (RLV, #31) -- 12. Runaway Groom: A Final Number [Le Porteur d'eau] (Paris, 1632) -- Appendix: Scholarly References to Copyrighted Materials -- Works Cited.
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Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest Ebook Central, 2023. Available via World Wide Web. Access may be limited to ProQuest Ebook Central affiliated libraries.
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