Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures.

By: (ASCE), American Society of Civil EngineersMaterial type: TextTextSeries: Standards SerPublisher: Reston : American Society of Civil Engineers, 2021Copyright date: �2022Description: 1 online resource (1046 pages)Content type: text Media type: computer Carrier type: online resourceISBN: 9780784483497Genre/Form: Electronic books.Additional physical formats: Print version:: Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other StructuresOnline resources: Click to View
Cover -- Tips for Using This Standard -- Tips for Using the ASCE 7 Hazard Tool -- Brief Contents -- Contents -- Preface -- Acknowledgments -- Dedication -- Chapter 1: General -- 1.1 Scope -- 1.2 Definitions and Symbols -- 1.2.1 Definitions -- 1.2.2 Symbols -- 1.3 Basic Requirements -- 1.3.1 Strength and Stiffness -- Strength Procedures -- Allowable Stress Procedures -- Performance-Based Procedures -- Analysis -- Project-Specific Performance Capability Testing -- Documentation -- Peer Review -- 1.3.2 Serviceability -- 1.3.3 Functionality -- 1.3.4 Self-Straining Forces and Effects -- 1.3.5 Analysis -- 1.3.6 Counteracting Structural Actions -- 1.3.7 Fire Resistance -- 1.4 General Structural Integrity -- 1.4.1 Load Path Connections -- 1.4.2 Lateral Forces -- 1.4.3 Connection to Supports -- 1.4.4 Anchorage of Structural Walls -- 1.4.5 Extraordinary Loads and Events -- 1.5 Classification of Buildings and Other Structures -- 1.5.1 Risk Categorization -- 1.5.2 Multiple Risk Categories -- 1.5.3 Toxic, Highly Toxic, and Explosive Substances -- 1.6 In Situ Load Tests -- 1.6.1 Load Test Procedure Specified Elsewhere -- 1.6.2 Load Test Procedure Not Specified Elsewhere -- 1.7 Consensus Standards and Other Referenced Documents -- Chapter 2: Combinations of Loads -- 2.1 General -- 2.2 Symbols -- 2.3 Load Combinations for Strength Design -- 2.3.1 Basic Combinations -- 2.3.2 Load Combinations Including Flood Load -- 2.3.3 Load Combinations Including Atmospheric Ice and Wind-on-Ice Loads -- 2.3.4 Load Combinations Including Self-Straining Forces and Effects -- 2.3.5 Load Combinations for Nonspecified Loads -- 2.3.6 Basic Combinations with Seismic Load Effects -- 2.3.7 Alternative Method for Loads from Water in Soil -- 2.4 Load Combinations for Allowable Stress Design -- 2.4.1 Basic Combinations.
2.4.2 Load Combinations Including Flood Load -- 2.4.3 Load Combinations Including Atmospheric Ice and Wind-on-Ice Loads -- 2.4.4 Load Combinations Including Self-Straining Forces and Effects -- 2.4.5 Basic Combinations with Seismic Load Effects -- 2.5 Load Combinations for Extraordinary Events -- 2.5.1 Applicability -- 2.5.2 Load Combinations -- Capacity -- Residual Capacity -- 2.5.3 Stability Requirements -- 2.6 Load Combinations for General Structural Integrity Loads -- 2.6.1 Strength Design Notional Load Combinations -- 2.6.2 Allowable Stress Design Notional Load Combinations -- 2.7 Consensus Standards and Other Referenced Documents -- Chapter 3: Dead Loads, Soil Loads, and Hydrostatic Pressure -- 3.1 Dead Loads -- 3.1.1 Definition -- 3.1.2 Weights of Materials of Construction -- 3.1.3 Weight of Fixed Service Equipment -- 3.1.4 Vegetative and Landscaped Roofs -- 3.1.5 Solar Panels -- 3.2 Soil Loads and Hydrostatic Pressure -- 3.2.1 Lateral Pressures -- 3.2.2 Uplift Loads on Floors and Foundations -- 3.3 Alternative Method for Loads from Water in Soil -- 3.4 Consensus Standards and Other Referenced Documents -- Chapter 4: Live Loads -- 4.1 Definitions -- 4.2 Loads Not Specified -- 4.3 Uniformly Distributed Live Loads -- 4.3.1 Required Live Loads -- 4.3.2 Provision for Partitions -- 4.3.3 Partial Loading -- Partial Loading of Roofs -- 4.3.4 Interior Walls and Partitions -- 4.4 Concentrated Live Loads -- 4.5 Loads on Handrail, Guard, Grab Bar, and Vehicle Barrier Systems, and on Shower Seats and Fixed Ladders -- 4.5.1 Handrail and Guard Systems -- Uniform Load -- Guard System Component Loads -- 4.5.2 Grab Bar Systems and Shower Seats -- 4.5.3 Vehicle Barrier Systems -- 4.5.4 Fixed Ladders -- 4.6 Impact Loads -- 4.6.1 General -- 4.6.2 Elevators -- 4.6.3 Machinery.
4.6.4 Elements Supporting Hoists for Fa�cade Access and Building Maintenance Equipment -- 4.6.5 Fall Arrest, Lifeline, and Rope Descent System Anchorages -- 4.7 Reduction in Uniform Live Loads -- 4.7.1 General -- 4.7.2 Reduction in Uniform Live Loads -- 4.7.3 Heavy Live Loads -- 4.7.4 Passenger Vehicle Garages -- 4.7.5 Assembly Area Loads -- 4.7.6 Limitations on One-Way Slabs -- 4.8 Reduction in Uniform Roof Live Loads -- 4.8.1 General -- 4.8.2 Ordinary Roofs, Awnings, and Canopies -- 4.8.3 Occupiable Roofs -- 4.9 Crane Loads -- 4.9.1 General -- 4.9.2 Maximum Wheel Load -- 4.9.3 Vertical Impact Force -- Bridge Crane Service Class -- 4.9.4 Lateral Force -- 4.9.5 Longitudinal Force -- 4.10 Garage and Vehicular Floor Loads -- 4.10.1 Passenger Vehicle Garages -- 4.10.2 Truck and Bus Garages -- 4.10.3 Sidewalks, Vehicular Driveways, and Yards Subject to Trucking -- 4.10.4 Emergency Vehicle Loads -- 4.11 Helipad Loads -- 4.11.1 General -- 4.11.2 Concentrated Helicopter Loads -- 4.12 Uninhabitable Attics -- 4.12.1 Uninhabitable Attics without Storage -- 4.12.2 Uninhabitable Attics with Storage -- 4.13 Library Stack Rooms -- 4.14 Seating for Assembly Uses -- 4.15 Stair Treads -- 4.16 Solar Panel Loads -- 4.16.1 Roof Loads at Solar Panels -- 4.16.2 Load Combination -- 4.16.3 Open-Grid Roof Structures Supporting Solar Panels -- 4.17 Consensus Standards and Other Referenced Documents -- Chapter 5: Flood Loads -- 5.1 General -- 5.2 Definitions -- 5.3 Design Requirements -- 5.3.1 Design Loads -- 5.3.2 Erosion and Scour -- 5.3.3 Loads on Breakaway Walls -- 5.4 Loads during Flooding -- 5.4.1 Load Basis -- 5.4.2 Hydrostatic Loads -- 5.4.3 Hydrodynamic Loads -- 5.4.4 Wave Loads -- Breaking Wave Loads on Vertical Pilings and Columns -- Breaking Wave Loads on Vertical Walls -- Breaking Wave Loads on Nonvertical Walls. Breaking Wave Loads from Obliquely Incident Waves -- 5.4.5 Impact Loads -- 5.5 Consensus Standards and Other Referenced Documents -- Chapter 6: Tsunami Loads and Effects -- 6.1 General Requirements -- 6.1.1 Scope -- 6.2 Definitions -- 6.3 Symbols and Notation -- 6.4 Tsunami Risk Categories -- 6.5 Analysis of Design Inundation Depth and Flow Velocity -- 6.5.1 Tsunami Risk Category II and III Buildings and Other Structures -- Runup Evaluation for Areas Where No Map Values Are Given -- 6.5.2 Tsunami Risk Category IV Buildings and Other Structures -- 6.5.3 Sea Level Change -- 6.6 Inundation Depths and Flow Velocities Based on Runup -- 6.6.1 Maximum Inundation Depth and Flow Velocities Based on Runup -- 6.6.2 Energy Grade Line Analysis of Maximum Inundation Depths and Flow Velocities -- 6.6.3 Terrain Roughness -- 6.6.4 Tsunami Bores -- 6.6.5 Amplified Flow Velocities -- 6.7 Inundation Depths and Flow Velocities Based on Site-Specific Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis -- 6.7.1 Tsunami Waveform -- 6.7.2 Tsunamigenic Sources -- 6.7.3 Earthquake Rupture Unit Source Tsunami Functions for Offshore Tsunami Amplitude -- 6.7.4 Treatment of Modeling and Natural Uncertainties -- 6.7.5 Offshore Tsunami Amplitude -- Offshore Tsunami Amplitude for Distant Seismic Sources -- Direct Computation of Probabilistic Inundation and Runup -- Use of Higher-Order Tsunami Model Features -- 6.7.6 Procedures for Determining Tsunami Inundation and Runup -- Representative Design Inundation Parameters -- Seismic Subsidence before Tsunami Arrival -- Model Macroroughness Parameter -- Nonlinear Modeling of Inundation -- Model Spatial Resolution -- Built Environment -- Inundation Model Validation -- Historical or Paleotsunami Inundation Data. Model Validation by Benchmark Tests -- Tsunami Bore Formation or Soliton Fission -- Determining Site-Specific Inundation Flow Parameters -- Tsunami Design Parameters for Flow over Land -- 6.8 Structural Design Procedures for Tsunami Effects -- 6.8.1 Performance of Tsunami Risk Category II and III Buildings and Other Structures -- 6.8.2 Performance of Tsunami Risk Category III Critical Facilities and Tsunami Risk Category IV Buildings and Other Structures -- 6.8.3 Structural Performance Evaluation -- Load Cases -- Tsunami Importance Factors -- Load Combinations -- Lateral-Force-Resisting System Acceptance Criteria -- Structural Component Acceptance Criteria -- Acceptability Criteria by Component Design Strength -- Alternative Performance-Based Criteria -- Alternative Acceptability by Progressive Collapse Avoidance -- 6.8.4 Minimum Fluid Density for Tsunami Loads -- 6.8.5 Flow Velocity Amplification -- Upstream Obstructing Structures -- Flow Velocity Amplification by Physical or Numerical Modeling -- 6.8.6 Directionality of Flow -- Flow Direction -- Site-Specific Directionality -- 6.8.7 Minimum Closure Ratio for Load Determination -- 6.8.8 Minimum Number of Tsunami Flow Cycles -- 6.8.9 Seismic Effects on the Foundations Preceding Local Subduction Zone Maximum Considered Tsunami -- 6.8.10 Physical Modeling of Tsunami Flow, Loads, and Effects -- 6.9 Hydrostatic Loads -- 6.9.1 Buoyancy -- 6.9.2 Unbalanced Lateral Hydrostatic Force -- 6.9.3 Residual Water Surcharge Load on Floors and Walls -- 6.9.4 Hydrostatic Surcharge Pressure on Foundation -- 6.10 Hydrodynamic Loads -- 6.10.1 Simplified Equivalent Uniform Lateral Static Pressure -- 6.10.2 Detailed Hydrodynamic Lateral Forces. Overall Drag Force on Buildings and Other Structures.
Summary: Standard ASCE/SEI 7-22 provides requirements for general structural design and includes means for determining various loads and their combinations, which are suitable for inclusion in building codes and other documents.
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Cover -- Tips for Using This Standard -- Tips for Using the ASCE 7 Hazard Tool -- Brief Contents -- Contents -- Preface -- Acknowledgments -- Dedication -- Chapter 1: General -- 1.1 Scope -- 1.2 Definitions and Symbols -- 1.2.1 Definitions -- 1.2.2 Symbols -- 1.3 Basic Requirements -- 1.3.1 Strength and Stiffness -- Strength Procedures -- Allowable Stress Procedures -- Performance-Based Procedures -- Analysis -- Project-Specific Performance Capability Testing -- Documentation -- Peer Review -- 1.3.2 Serviceability -- 1.3.3 Functionality -- 1.3.4 Self-Straining Forces and Effects -- 1.3.5 Analysis -- 1.3.6 Counteracting Structural Actions -- 1.3.7 Fire Resistance -- 1.4 General Structural Integrity -- 1.4.1 Load Path Connections -- 1.4.2 Lateral Forces -- 1.4.3 Connection to Supports -- 1.4.4 Anchorage of Structural Walls -- 1.4.5 Extraordinary Loads and Events -- 1.5 Classification of Buildings and Other Structures -- 1.5.1 Risk Categorization -- 1.5.2 Multiple Risk Categories -- 1.5.3 Toxic, Highly Toxic, and Explosive Substances -- 1.6 In Situ Load Tests -- 1.6.1 Load Test Procedure Specified Elsewhere -- 1.6.2 Load Test Procedure Not Specified Elsewhere -- 1.7 Consensus Standards and Other Referenced Documents -- Chapter 2: Combinations of Loads -- 2.1 General -- 2.2 Symbols -- 2.3 Load Combinations for Strength Design -- 2.3.1 Basic Combinations -- 2.3.2 Load Combinations Including Flood Load -- 2.3.3 Load Combinations Including Atmospheric Ice and Wind-on-Ice Loads -- 2.3.4 Load Combinations Including Self-Straining Forces and Effects -- 2.3.5 Load Combinations for Nonspecified Loads -- 2.3.6 Basic Combinations with Seismic Load Effects -- 2.3.7 Alternative Method for Loads from Water in Soil -- 2.4 Load Combinations for Allowable Stress Design -- 2.4.1 Basic Combinations.

2.4.2 Load Combinations Including Flood Load -- 2.4.3 Load Combinations Including Atmospheric Ice and Wind-on-Ice Loads -- 2.4.4 Load Combinations Including Self-Straining Forces and Effects -- 2.4.5 Basic Combinations with Seismic Load Effects -- 2.5 Load Combinations for Extraordinary Events -- 2.5.1 Applicability -- 2.5.2 Load Combinations -- Capacity -- Residual Capacity -- 2.5.3 Stability Requirements -- 2.6 Load Combinations for General Structural Integrity Loads -- 2.6.1 Strength Design Notional Load Combinations -- 2.6.2 Allowable Stress Design Notional Load Combinations -- 2.7 Consensus Standards and Other Referenced Documents -- Chapter 3: Dead Loads, Soil Loads, and Hydrostatic Pressure -- 3.1 Dead Loads -- 3.1.1 Definition -- 3.1.2 Weights of Materials of Construction -- 3.1.3 Weight of Fixed Service Equipment -- 3.1.4 Vegetative and Landscaped Roofs -- 3.1.5 Solar Panels -- 3.2 Soil Loads and Hydrostatic Pressure -- 3.2.1 Lateral Pressures -- 3.2.2 Uplift Loads on Floors and Foundations -- 3.3 Alternative Method for Loads from Water in Soil -- 3.4 Consensus Standards and Other Referenced Documents -- Chapter 4: Live Loads -- 4.1 Definitions -- 4.2 Loads Not Specified -- 4.3 Uniformly Distributed Live Loads -- 4.3.1 Required Live Loads -- 4.3.2 Provision for Partitions -- 4.3.3 Partial Loading -- Partial Loading of Roofs -- 4.3.4 Interior Walls and Partitions -- 4.4 Concentrated Live Loads -- 4.5 Loads on Handrail, Guard, Grab Bar, and Vehicle Barrier Systems, and on Shower Seats and Fixed Ladders -- 4.5.1 Handrail and Guard Systems -- Uniform Load -- Guard System Component Loads -- 4.5.2 Grab Bar Systems and Shower Seats -- 4.5.3 Vehicle Barrier Systems -- 4.5.4 Fixed Ladders -- 4.6 Impact Loads -- 4.6.1 General -- 4.6.2 Elevators -- 4.6.3 Machinery.

4.6.4 Elements Supporting Hoists for Fa�cade Access and Building Maintenance Equipment -- 4.6.5 Fall Arrest, Lifeline, and Rope Descent System Anchorages -- 4.7 Reduction in Uniform Live Loads -- 4.7.1 General -- 4.7.2 Reduction in Uniform Live Loads -- 4.7.3 Heavy Live Loads -- 4.7.4 Passenger Vehicle Garages -- 4.7.5 Assembly Area Loads -- 4.7.6 Limitations on One-Way Slabs -- 4.8 Reduction in Uniform Roof Live Loads -- 4.8.1 General -- 4.8.2 Ordinary Roofs, Awnings, and Canopies -- 4.8.3 Occupiable Roofs -- 4.9 Crane Loads -- 4.9.1 General -- 4.9.2 Maximum Wheel Load -- 4.9.3 Vertical Impact Force -- Bridge Crane Service Class -- 4.9.4 Lateral Force -- 4.9.5 Longitudinal Force -- 4.10 Garage and Vehicular Floor Loads -- 4.10.1 Passenger Vehicle Garages -- 4.10.2 Truck and Bus Garages -- 4.10.3 Sidewalks, Vehicular Driveways, and Yards Subject to Trucking -- 4.10.4 Emergency Vehicle Loads -- 4.11 Helipad Loads -- 4.11.1 General -- 4.11.2 Concentrated Helicopter Loads -- 4.12 Uninhabitable Attics -- 4.12.1 Uninhabitable Attics without Storage -- 4.12.2 Uninhabitable Attics with Storage -- 4.13 Library Stack Rooms -- 4.14 Seating for Assembly Uses -- 4.15 Stair Treads -- 4.16 Solar Panel Loads -- 4.16.1 Roof Loads at Solar Panels -- 4.16.2 Load Combination -- 4.16.3 Open-Grid Roof Structures Supporting Solar Panels -- 4.17 Consensus Standards and Other Referenced Documents -- Chapter 5: Flood Loads -- 5.1 General -- 5.2 Definitions -- 5.3 Design Requirements -- 5.3.1 Design Loads -- 5.3.2 Erosion and Scour -- 5.3.3 Loads on Breakaway Walls -- 5.4 Loads during Flooding -- 5.4.1 Load Basis -- 5.4.2 Hydrostatic Loads -- 5.4.3 Hydrodynamic Loads -- 5.4.4 Wave Loads -- Breaking Wave Loads on Vertical Pilings and Columns -- Breaking Wave Loads on Vertical Walls -- Breaking Wave Loads on Nonvertical Walls. Breaking Wave Loads from Obliquely Incident Waves -- 5.4.5 Impact Loads -- 5.5 Consensus Standards and Other Referenced Documents -- Chapter 6: Tsunami Loads and Effects -- 6.1 General Requirements -- 6.1.1 Scope -- 6.2 Definitions -- 6.3 Symbols and Notation -- 6.4 Tsunami Risk Categories -- 6.5 Analysis of Design Inundation Depth and Flow Velocity -- 6.5.1 Tsunami Risk Category II and III Buildings and Other Structures -- Runup Evaluation for Areas Where No Map Values Are Given -- 6.5.2 Tsunami Risk Category IV Buildings and Other Structures -- 6.5.3 Sea Level Change -- 6.6 Inundation Depths and Flow Velocities Based on Runup -- 6.6.1 Maximum Inundation Depth and Flow Velocities Based on Runup -- 6.6.2 Energy Grade Line Analysis of Maximum Inundation Depths and Flow Velocities -- 6.6.3 Terrain Roughness -- 6.6.4 Tsunami Bores -- 6.6.5 Amplified Flow Velocities -- 6.7 Inundation Depths and Flow Velocities Based on Site-Specific Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis -- 6.7.1 Tsunami Waveform -- 6.7.2 Tsunamigenic Sources -- 6.7.3 Earthquake Rupture Unit Source Tsunami Functions for Offshore Tsunami Amplitude -- 6.7.4 Treatment of Modeling and Natural Uncertainties -- 6.7.5 Offshore Tsunami Amplitude -- Offshore Tsunami Amplitude for Distant Seismic Sources -- Direct Computation of Probabilistic Inundation and Runup -- Use of Higher-Order Tsunami Model Features -- 6.7.6 Procedures for Determining Tsunami Inundation and Runup -- Representative Design Inundation Parameters -- Seismic Subsidence before Tsunami Arrival -- Model Macroroughness Parameter -- Nonlinear Modeling of Inundation -- Model Spatial Resolution -- Built Environment -- Inundation Model Validation -- Historical or Paleotsunami Inundation Data. Model Validation by Benchmark Tests -- Tsunami Bore Formation or Soliton Fission -- Determining Site-Specific Inundation Flow Parameters -- Tsunami Design Parameters for Flow over Land -- 6.8 Structural Design Procedures for Tsunami Effects -- 6.8.1 Performance of Tsunami Risk Category II and III Buildings and Other Structures -- 6.8.2 Performance of Tsunami Risk Category III Critical Facilities and Tsunami Risk Category IV Buildings and Other Structures -- 6.8.3 Structural Performance Evaluation -- Load Cases -- Tsunami Importance Factors -- Load Combinations -- Lateral-Force-Resisting System Acceptance Criteria -- Structural Component Acceptance Criteria -- Acceptability Criteria by Component Design Strength -- Alternative Performance-Based Criteria -- Alternative Acceptability by Progressive Collapse Avoidance -- 6.8.4 Minimum Fluid Density for Tsunami Loads -- 6.8.5 Flow Velocity Amplification -- Upstream Obstructing Structures -- Flow Velocity Amplification by Physical or Numerical Modeling -- 6.8.6 Directionality of Flow -- Flow Direction -- Site-Specific Directionality -- 6.8.7 Minimum Closure Ratio for Load Determination -- 6.8.8 Minimum Number of Tsunami Flow Cycles -- 6.8.9 Seismic Effects on the Foundations Preceding Local Subduction Zone Maximum Considered Tsunami -- 6.8.10 Physical Modeling of Tsunami Flow, Loads, and Effects -- 6.9 Hydrostatic Loads -- 6.9.1 Buoyancy -- 6.9.2 Unbalanced Lateral Hydrostatic Force -- 6.9.3 Residual Water Surcharge Load on Floors and Walls -- 6.9.4 Hydrostatic Surcharge Pressure on Foundation -- 6.10 Hydrodynamic Loads -- 6.10.1 Simplified Equivalent Uniform Lateral Static Pressure -- 6.10.2 Detailed Hydrodynamic Lateral Forces. Overall Drag Force on Buildings and Other Structures.

Standard ASCE/SEI 7-22 provides requirements for general structural design and includes means for determining various loads and their combinations, which are suitable for inclusion in building codes and other documents.

Description based on publisher supplied metadata and other sources.

Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest Ebook Central, 2023. Available via World Wide Web. Access may be limited to ProQuest Ebook Central affiliated libraries.

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