A letter on the principles of justness and decency, containing a defence of the treatise De Cive of the learned Mr. Hobbes [electronic resource] / Lambert van Velthuysen ; edited and translated by Malcolm de Mowbray ; with an introduction by Catherine Secretan. by Velthuysen, Lambert van, 1622-1685 | De Mowbray, Malcolm | Velthuysen, Lambert van, 1622-1685. Epistolica dissertatio de principiis justi et decori | Velthuysen, Lambert van, 1622-1685. Epistolica dissertatio de principiis justi et decori | ProQuest (Firm). Series: Brill's studies in intellectual history ; v. 218Brill's studies in intellectual historyBrill's texts and sources in intellectual history ; v. 13.Material type: Text; Format:
available online
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Language: English, Latin Original language: Latin Publication details: Boston : Brill, 2013Online access: Click to View Availability: No items available.