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Agyptologen und Agyptologien zwischen Kaiserreich und Grundung der beiden deutschen Staaten : Reflexionen zur Geschichte und Episteme eines altertumswissenschaftlichen Fachs im 150. Jahr der Zeitschrift fur Agyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde / herausgegeben von Susanne Bickel [and three others] ; unter mitwirkung von Lutz Popko ; Wissenchaftlicher Beirat, Nicolas Berg [and five others].

by Bickel, Susanne [editor.] | Popko, Lutz [contributor.] | Berg, Nicolas [consultant.].

Series: Zeitschrift fur agyptische Sprache und AltertumskundeBeiheft ; 1.Material type: Text Text; Format: available online remote; Nature of contents: biography; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Berlin, [Germany] : Akademie Verlag GmbH, 2013Copyright date: 2013Online access: Click to View Availability: No items available.

Georg Steindorff und die deutsche Agyptologie im 20. Jahrhundert : Wissenshintergrunde und Forschungstransfers / herausgegeben von Susanne Voss und Dietrich Raue.

by Voss, Susanne [editor.] | Raue, Dietrich [editor.].

Series: Zeitschrift fur agyptische Sprache und AltertumskundeBeiheft ; Band 5.Material type: Text Text; Format: available online remote; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Berlin, [Germany] : De Gruyter, 2016Copyright date: 2016Online access: Click to View Availability: No items available.

Georg Steindorff und die deutsche Agyptologie im 20. Jahrhundert : Wissenshintergrunde und Forschungstransfers / herausgegeben von Susanne Voss und Dietrich Raue.

by Voss, Susanne [editor.] | Raue, Dietrich [editor.].

Series: Zeitschrift fur agyptische Sprache und AltertumskundeBeiheft ; Band 5.Material type: Text Text; Format: available online remote; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Berlin, [Germany] : De Gruyter, 2016Copyright date: 2016Online access: Click to View Availability: No items available.

Code-switching with the Gods : the Bilingual (Old Coptic-Greek) Spells of PGM IV (P. Bibliotheque Nationale Supplement Grec. 574) and their Linguistic, Religious, and Socio-Cultural Context in Late Roman Egypt / Edward O. D. Love.

by Love, Edward O. D [author.].

Series: Zeitschrift fur agyptische Sprache und AltertumskundeBeiheft ; Band 4.Material type: Text Text; Format: available online remote; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Berlin, [Germany] : De Gruyter, 2016Copyright date: 2016Online access: Click to View Availability: No items available.

Code-switching with the Gods : the Bilingual (Old Coptic-Greek) Spells of PGM IV (P. Bibliotheque Nationale Supplement Grec. 574) and their Linguistic, Religious, and Socio-Cultural Context in Late Roman Egypt / Edward O. D. Love.

by Love, Edward O. D [author.].

Series: Zeitschrift fur agyptische Sprache und AltertumskundeBeiheft ; Band 4.Material type: Text Text; Format: available online remote; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Berlin, [Germany] : De Gruyter, 2016Copyright date: 2016Online access: Click to View Availability: No items available.

Naref and Osiris Naref : a study in Herakleopolitan religious traditions / Lucia Diaz-Iglesias Llanos.

by Diaz-Iglesias Llanos, Lucia [author.].

Series: Zeitschrift fur agyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde. Beiheft ; Band 3Material type: Text Text; Format: available online remote; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Berlin, [Germany] ; Boston, [Massachusetts] : De Gruyter, 2017Copyright date: 2017Online access: Click to View Availability: No items available.

Naref and Osiris Naref : a study in Herakleopolitan religious traditions / Lucia Diaz-Iglesias Llanos.

by Diaz-Iglesias Llanos, Lucia [author.].

Series: Zeitschrift fur agyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde. Beiheft ; Band 3Material type: Text Text; Format: available online remote; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Berlin, [Germany] ; Boston, [Massachusetts] : De Gruyter, 2017Copyright date: 2017Online access: Click to View Availability: No items available.
