National conversations : public service media and cultual diversity in Europe / edited by Karina Horsti, Gunilla Hulten and Gavan Titley ; cover designer, Stephanie Sarlos ; copy-editor, Emma Rhys ; production manager, Tim Elameer ; typesetting, John Teehan. by Horsti, Karina [editor.] | Hulten, Gunilla [editor.] | Titley, Gavan [editor.] | Sarlos, Stephanie [cover designer.] | Rhys, Emma [editor.] | Elameer, Tim [production manager.] | Teehan, John [compositor.]. Material type: Text; Format:
available online
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: Bristol, England ; Chicago, Illinois : Intellect, 2014Copyright date: 2014Online access: Click to View Availability: No items available.