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Node.js by example : learn to use Node.js by creating a fully functional social network / Krasimir Tsonev ; reviewers, Danny Allen, Alex (Shurf) Frenkel ; commissioning editor, Akram Hussain ; acquisition editors, Purav Motiwalla, Llewellyn Rozario ; content development editor, Shubhangi Dhamgaye ; technical editor, Mrunal M. Chavan ; copy editors, Vedangi Narvekar ; project coordinator, Harshal Ved ; proofreaders, Stephen Copestake, Safis Editing ; indexer, Priya Sane ; production coordinator, Shantanu N. Zagade ; cover work, Shantanu N. Zagade.

by TSonev, Krasimir [author.] | Allen, Danny [reviewer.] | Frenkel, Alex (Shurf) [reviewer.] | Hussain, Akram [editor.] | Motiwalla, Purav [editor.] | Rozario, Llewellyn [editor.] | Dhamgaye, Shubhangi [editor.] | Chavan, Mrunal M [editor.] | Narvekar, Vedangi [editor.] | Ved, Harshal [project director.] | Copestake, Stephen [proofreader.] | Sane, Priya [bibliographic antecedent.] | Zagade, Shantanu N [production personnel,, cover designer.] | Safis Editing [proofreader.].

Material type: Text Text; Format: available online remote; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Birmingham, England ; Mumbai, [India] : Packt Publishing, 2015Copyright date: 2015Online access: Click to View Availability: No items available.

Node.js by example : learn to use Node.js by creating a fully functional social network / Krasimir Tsonev ; reviewers, Danny Allen, Alex (Shurf) Frenkel ; commissioning editor, Akram Hussain ; acquisition editors, Purav Motiwalla, Llewellyn Rozario ; content development editor, Shubhangi Dhamgaye ; technical editor, Mrunal M. Chavan ; copy editors, Vedangi Narvekar ; project coordinator, Harshal Ved ; proofreaders, Stephen Copestake, Safis Editing ; indexer, Priya Sane ; production coordinator, Shantanu N. Zagade ; cover work, Shantanu N. Zagade.

by TSonev, Krasimir [author.] | Allen, Danny [reviewer.] | Frenkel, Alex (Shurf) [reviewer.] | Hussain, Akram [editor.] | Motiwalla, Purav [editor.] | Rozario, Llewellyn [editor.] | Dhamgaye, Shubhangi [editor.] | Chavan, Mrunal M [editor.] | Narvekar, Vedangi [editor.] | Ved, Harshal [project director.] | Copestake, Stephen [proofreader.] | Sane, Priya [bibliographic antecedent.] | Zagade, Shantanu N [production personnel,, cover designer.] | Safis Editing [proofreader.].

Material type: Text Text; Format: available online remote; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Birmingham, England ; Mumbai, [India] : Packt Publishing, 2015Copyright date: 2015Online access: Click to View Availability: No items available.
