Coulibaly, Souleymane.

Africa in the New Trade Environment : Market Access in Troubled Times. - 1st ed. - 1 online resource (361 pages)

Front Cover -- Contents -- Foreword -- Acknowledgments -- About the Contributors -- Abbreviations -- Overview: Market Access Strategy in a New Trade Environment -- Introduction -- Ingredients for Sub-Saharan Africa's Market Access Strategy -- How Can Sub-Saharan African Countries Boost Exports through Preferential Access to the EU and US Markets? -- How Can Sub-Saharan African Countries Diversify Their Market Access? -- How Could Regional Integration Initiatives Help This Dual Strategy to Succeed? -- Contributions of This Volume -- Notes -- References -- PART I Access to Traditional Markets: Taking Stock of Nonreciprocal Trade Agreements and the Way Forward -- Chapter 1 Trade Impact of the AGOA: An Aggregate Perspective -- Introduction -- The African Growth and Opportunity Act -- Trade Flows from Sub-Saharan Africa to the United States -- Impact of the AGOA: Results from the Synthetic Control Method -- Main Drivers of Exports under the AGOA -- Conclusion -- Annex 1A The Synthetic Control Method -- Notes -- References -- Chapter 2 Preferential Access to the United States and Manufacturing Export Performance: A Product-Level Analysis -- Introduction -- A Product-Level Perspective from Disaggregated Export Data -- US Trade Preferences: The GSP and AGOA -- African Export Performance and the Role of the AGOA -- Estimated Impacts of the AGOA and GSP LDC -- Conclusion -- Annex 2A WITS Sectoral Definition, Sub-Saharan Africa Data, and Commodity Prices -- Annex 2B Impacts of the AGOA on Exports and Export Patterns -- Annex 2C AGOA Impacts, by Country -- Notes -- References -- Chapter 3 Comparative Analysis of AGOA and EBA Impacts: Evidence from West Africa -- Introduction -- Estimations of the Trade Impacts of the AGOA and EBA -- ECOWAS Exports to the European Union and the United States since 2000 -- Empirical Specifications and Data. Estimation Results -- Differentiated Impacts of the AGOA and EBA on ECOWAS Countries -- Policy Implications -- Notes -- References -- PART II New Market Frontiers: Focus on East Asia -- Chapter 4 Unlocking East Asian Markets to Sub-Saharan Africa -- Introduction -- Trends in Sub-Saharan Africa's Trade Relationships since the Late 1990s -- Strengthening Sub-Saharan Africa's Market Position: A Demand-Side Analysis -- Potential "Niche" Markets for Sub-Saharan Africa's Export Diversification -- Fostering Trade Relations through Agreements -- Does the Export Market Matter? A Literature Review -- Empirical Strategy, Data, and Preliminary Analysis -- Conclusion -- Annex 4A Sample Firms -- Notes -- References -- Chapter 5 Assessing the Global Value Chain Links between Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa -- Introduction -- Key Trade Patterns and GVC Links between Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia -- Econometric Assessment of Sub-Saharan African Participation in Asian GVCs -- Conclusion and Policy Implications -- Annex 5A Supplementary Tables -- Notes -- References -- PART III Looking Inward: Deepening Regional Integration and Value Chains -- Chapter 6 The Promise and Challenge of the African Continental Free Trade Area -- Introduction -- Revisiting the Theory of Regional Integration in Light of the AfCFTA -- Key Trends in Regional Trade and Integration in Africa -- Intra-Africa Trade within Regional Economic Communities -- Composition of Trade in Africa -- The Promise of the AfCFTA: Evaluation of Its Impact on Economic Outcomes -- The Challenges Facing the AfCFTA -- Policy Implications -- Annex 6A Logistics Performance and Gravity Model Results -- Notes -- References -- Chapter 7 Nontariff Measures and Services Trade Restrictions in Global Value Chains -- Introduction -- What Is Africa's Experience in Global Value Chains?. Are Nontariff Measures Limiting the GVC Participation of Firms in Sub-Saharan Africa? -- Are Restrictive Services Sectors Limiting Sub-Saharan African Firms' GVC Participation? -- What Will It Take for Africa to Create Regional Value Chains? -- Some Regional Policy Options to Complement the AfCFTA -- Notes -- References -- Boxes -- Box 4.1 Exporting Fish to the European Union -- Box 4.2 Growing Food Import Trends in Asia -- Box 4.3 The China-Africa Cotton Industry -- Box 7.1 Diversifying Production through Regional Cooperation -- Figures -- Figure O.1 Changes in Regional and Global Trade Trends, Relative to 2005, in Sub-Saharan Africa -- Figure O.2 Trends in Sub-Saharan Africa's Exports of Goods to Regional Markets, 2005-17 -- Figure O.3 Trends in Sub-Saharan Africa's Trade in Goods, by Type and by Trade Partner Region, 2005-18 -- Figure O.4 Spaghetti Bowl of African Regional and Subregional Economic Communities, 2010 -- Figure O.5 GVC Participation of Sub-Saharan African Countries, as Measured by Their Shares of Total Exports from Foreign and Domestic Value Added, 2015 -- Figure 1.1 Sub-Saharan Africa's Exports to the United States, by Type, 2000-17 -- Figure 1.2 Average Annual Exports from AGOA-Eligible Countries to the United States, before and after the AGOA -- Figure 1.3 Export Trends and Synthetic Controls Applied to AGOA-Eligible Sub-Saharan African Countries, 1993-2015 -- Figure 1.4 Trajectories of Nonfuel Exports from Leading East African Countries to the United States, by Product Category, 2000-15 -- Figure 1.5 Share of Foreign Value Added in Total Textile Exports from Selected Sub-Saharan African Countries to the United States, 1998-2015 -- Figure 2.1 US Average Tariffs on Products from Sub-Saharan Africa, before and after the AGOA -- Figure 2.2 Relative Preference Margins in Apparel Exports to the US from Selected Countries, 1997-2017. Figure 2.3 Sub-Saharan Africa's Share of World Exports, Total and Selected Sectors, 1997-2017 -- Figure 2.4 Share of Manufacturing in Total Exports, in Sub-Saharan Africa and by Country, circa 2000s-2010s -- Figure 2.5 Destinations of Sub-Saharan Africa's Exports -- Figure 2.6 Destinations of Sub-Saharan Africa's Manufacturing Exports -- Figure 2.7 Destinations of Sub-Saharan Africa's Apparel Exports -- Figure 2.8 Growth of Sub-Saharan Africa's Exports to the United States, circa 2000s-2010s -- Figure 2.9 Four Stories of Apparel Exports from Selected Sub-Saharan African Countries, before and after the AGOA, 1997-2017 -- Figure 2.10 Average Impacts of the AGOA and GSP LDC on Sub-Saharan African Exports to the United States -- Figure 2.11 Impacts of the AGOA and GSP on Exports of Eligible Products from Sub-Saharan African Countries, circa 2001-17 -- Figure 2.12 Impacts of the AGOA on Apparel Exports from Sub-Saharan Africa, by Subregion, 2001-17 -- Figure 2A.1 Total Exports of Sub-Saharan African Countries and Commodity Price Indexes, 1996-2016 -- Figure 2B.1 US Average Agricultural and Mining Tariffs on Sub-Saharan African Exports, by Preference Type, before and after the AGOA -- Figure 2B.2 AGOA Preference Utilization by Sub-Saharan African Countries, 2001-17 -- Figure 2B.3 Sub-Saharan African Countries Exhibiting a "Missed Opportunities" Pattern, 1997-2017 -- Figure 2B.4 Sub-Saharan African Countries Exhibiting a "Boom-Bust" Pattern, 1997-2017 -- Figure 2B.5 Sub-Saharan African Countries Exhibiting a "Growth and Stagnation" Pattern, 1995-2016 -- Figure 2B.6 Sub-Saharan African Countries Exhibiting a "Late and Sustained Growth" Pattern, 1995-2016 -- Figure 2C.1 Baseline Impacts of the AGOA on Apparel Exports from Sub-Saharan Africa, by Country. Figure 3.1 Change in Sub-Saharan African Exports to the European Union and the United States, by "Growth Performer" Group, 2009-13 -- Figure 3.2 ECOWAS Exports to the European Union and the United States, 2000-15 -- Figure 3.3 EU and US Imports from ECOWAS Countries, by Sector, 2000-15 -- Figure 3.4 Differentiated Impacts of the AGOA and EBA on ECOWAS Countries, 2001-15 -- Figure 4.1 Trends in Sub-Saharan Africa's Exports, by Destination, 1997-2017 -- Figure 4.2 Decomposition of Sub-Saharan Africa's Export and Import Shares, by Primary Partner Region, 1997-2016 -- Figure 4.3 Sub-Saharan Africa's Products Traded with All Countries, by Stage of Processing, 1997 and 2016 -- Figure 4.4 Five Asian Countries' Major Imports from Sub-Saharan Africa, 2017 -- Figure 4.5 Size of the Global Middle Class, by Region, 2015-30 -- Figure 4.6 Share of Global Middle-Class Consumption, by Region, 2015-30 -- Figure 4.7 Trends in Consumer Spending Habits, by Income Level -- Figure 4.8 Share of Household Income Spent on Food, by Type and Household Income Level, 2010 -- Figure B4.2.1 Sources of China's Fruit Imports, 2017 -- Figure 4.9 Per Capita Consumption of Selected Foods in China, 2013-17 -- Figure B4.3.1 Sub-Saharan African Countries' Exports of Raw Cotton, 2017 -- Figure 4.10 China's Hardwood Imports, by Risk Level and Source Country, 2006-16 -- Figure 4.11 Tourism toward 2030: Actual Trend and Forecast, 1950-2030 -- Figure 4.12 Distribution of Foreign-Owned Manufacturing Firms in Sub-Saharan Africa, by Origin, 2010 -- Figure 4.13 Shares of Imports from and Exports to Investors' Regions or Countries of Origin, among Foreign-Owned Sub-Saharan African Firms, 2010 -- Figure 5.1 Sectoral Composition of Sub-Saharan Africa's Exports to Asia, 2005 and 2015 -- Figure 5.2 Sectoral Composition of Ethiopia's Exports to Asia, 2005 and 2015. Figure 5.3 Sectoral Composition of Ghana's Exports to Asia, 2005 and 2015.


Africa--Foreign economic relations.

Electronic books.

