Gender Mainstreaming in Counter-Terrorism Efforts in the Western Balkans.
- 1st ed.
- 1 online resource (140 pages)
- NATO Science for Peace and Security Series - e: Human and Societal Dynamics Series ; v.154 .
- NATO Science for Peace and Security Series - e: Human and Societal Dynamics Series .
Intro -- Title Page -- Preface -- Authors' Bios -- Duality of Technology Nexus in Combating Terrorism and Violent Extremism in Support of Gender Mainstreaming -- What Drives Women to Extremist Groups?: Internal and External Drivers to Radicalization of Women -- ISIS's Recruitment of Women in the Physical and Online Space: Lessons Learned -- Women, Gender and Violent Extremism: The Relevance of a Gender-Sensitive Approach in Responses to Female Supporters of Daesh -- Central Asian Women as Agents of Political Violence in the Islamic State -- Early Intervention and Crime Prevention Perspectives from the Frontline -- Community-Based Approaches for Mitigating Risk, the Potential for Countering Radicalization, and the Prospects of Gender Mainstreaming -- The Nexus Between P-CVE and Gender in the Western Balkans -- Effects of a Soft Law: An Overview of the Implementation of the UNSCR 1325 in the EU and the Western Balkans -- Strategic and Human Rights Perspectives to Gender Mainstreaming in Preventing/Counter-Violent Extremism Efforts in the Western Balkans -- Subject Index -- Author Index.
Balkan Peninsula. Gender mainstreaming. Terrorism--Prevention.