Heydenreich, Aura.

Physics and Literature : Concepts - Transfer - Aestheticization. - 1st ed. - 1 online resource (424 pages) - Literatur- und Naturwissenschaften Series ; v.3 . - Literatur- und Naturwissenschaften Series .

Intro -- Contents -- Introduction -- Part I: Epistemic Functions of Narration and Metaphor in Science -- Insight by Metaphor - The Epistemic Role of Metaphor in Science -- Epistemic Narrativity in Albert Einstein's Treatise on Special Relativity -- Albert Einstein's "Physics and Reality" and "The Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies" -- Physics and Fiction -- Part II: Concepts: Formation and Transfer -- Concept Formation in Physics from a Linguist's Perspective -- Everything in Context -- Induction after Electromagnetism -- The Paradoxical Interplay of Exactitude and Indefiniteness -- The Horizon of the Horizon -- Interference -- Part III: Aestheticization and Literarization of Physics -- Literary Epistemology -- The "Poetic Element" of Science -- Possible Worlds -- The Physics of Metaphysics -- Establishing Evidence through a Shift in Viewpoint -- Narrating Science - Physics for Non-physicists -- The Making of A Mystic Dream of 4 -- Attachment -- Author and Editor Directory -- Index.


Electronic books.
