Basset-Mens, Claudine.

Life Cycle Assessment of Agri-Food Systems : An Operational Guide Dedicated to Developing and Emerging Economies. - 1 online resource (213 pages) - Savoir Faire Series . - Savoir Faire Series .

Intro -- Table of contents -- Preface -- Part 1 - Introduction -- 1. LCA within developing and emerging economies -- Land tenure issues -- Environmental vs. economic development concerns -- Most developing and emerging countries are located in the tropical zone -- Inadequate input issues -- Research and development priorities and capacities -- 2. The purpose of this operational guide -- 3. Standards, guidelines and tools -- 4. Preparation process and intended audience -- Part 2 - Agri-food LCA in developing and emerging contexts -- 5. State of the art of agri-food LCA -- 6. Specific challenges for agri-food LCA in developing and emerging contexts -- Diversity of agri-food systems due to specific natural conditions and combined socio-economic constraints -- Data gaps on the systems to be characterized -- Varying awareness and capacities of stakeholders -- 7. Established and emerging initiatives -- Part 3 - Overcoming the challenges for robust agri-food LCA in developing and emerging economies -- 8. Co-designing the study with stakeholders -- Overview of the approach -- Critical analysis of the demand, constraints and avoidance strategies -- The community of the study -- Working as a team in the field -- Management of ethics and rights for stakeholders -- System boundaries, typologies and sampling strategies -- 9. Building life cycle inventories -- Foreground data collection -- Direct field emissions -- Background data collection -- Quality management and critical review (CR) -- 10. Performing impact assessment -- Overview of available and recommended sets of LCIA methods -- Impact categories -- 11. Interpreting the results for each stakeholder category -- Accounting for uncertainty in LCA studies -- Comparing results with previous studies -- Sharing and communicating results to support decisions -- Part 4 - Conclusions and moving forward. Part 5 - Appendices -- A. Guidelines / ISO Norms: a brief overview -- ISO, 2006. ISO - 14040:2006 - Environmental management - Life cycle assessment - Principles and framework, Environmental Management -- ISO, 2006. ISO - 14044:2006 - Environmental management - Life cycle assessment - Requirements and guidelines. Geneva -- B. Commonly used direct field emission models -- C. LCA resources -- Networks and platforms -- Databases and software -- Research and universities -- D. Data collection and confidentiality: check list and points of vigilance -- Data collection and confidentiality -- Points of vigilance -- Tools and best practices for data management -- E. Recommendations for designing a sampling protocol according to PAS 2050-1 -- F. Best practices for agri-food LCAs at the system level -- G. Free tools to model field emissions for LCI -- Emission models online -- GHG calculators -- H. Detailed guidance on impact categories -- Global Warming or Climate Change impact -- Soil quality impact -- Human toxicity and ecotoxicity -- Biodiversity due to LULUC -- Water scarcity footprint -- I. LCIA methods recommended by the Life Cycle Initiative and EF 3.0 -- J. Detailed guidance on the use of the qualitative assessment of data in LCA according to the European PEFCR Guidance (EC 2018) -- Qualitative diagnosis -- Uncertainty approximation -- K. How to display LCA results while avoiding bias due to visualization choices? -- Refer to "useful ink" concept -- Which type of graph is the most effective for most LCIA results? (histograms) -- References -- Glossary -- Abbreviations -- List of authors.


Electronic books.