Sasse, Eberhard.

The German Chambers of Commerce and Industry : Self-Governance, Service, the General Representation of Interests and the Dual System of Professional Education. - 1st ed. - 1 online resource (395 pages) - Practical Wisdom for Sustainable Organizations Series . - Practical Wisdom for Sustainable Organizations Series .

Intro -- Foreword: CCI-Three Letters Underpinning a Successful Economy -- Preface -- How to Enjoy this Book -- Contents -- 1 The Magic of Economic and Social Development -- Germany Around 1950: An Unlikely Candidate for Economic Growth and Development -- Explanation of the Economic Miracle: The Role of Institutions -- Social Market Economy: Realizing the Potential of Private Entrepreneurship -- The Role of Intermediary Regional Institutions for Development -- The Dilemma of Professional Education -- The Dual VET System in Germany -- The Dual VET System: Advantages for Sustainable Socio-Economic Development -- The Dual VET System-A Team Product -- The Dual VET System: The Role of the Chambers -- Self-administration and 'Indirect Public Administration': Core Elements of Social Market Economy -- Chambers as Instruments of Indirect Public Administration -- Self-administration in the Labour Market, Health Care and Social Sector -- Regional Self-administration in Autonomous Municipalities, Cultural and Academic Sector -- Conclusion: What Could Be Learned from the German Experience? -- Valuing the Wisdom of Practical Elites -- Building on Existing Networks of 'Social Capital' -- 2 The Bridge Between Business and Politics-The CCIs and Their Normative Foundations -- This Is the CCI-The Normative Foundations of CCI Work -- CCIs as a Manifestation of Self-organisation and Self-responsibility Within the Economy -- CCIs as a Manifestation of Democratic Participation and a Democratic Society -- CCIs as a Mirror of the German Constitution -- Statutory Membership -- Statutory Membership Fee -- Principle of Solidarity -- Statutory Tasks -- Principle of Regionality -- Principle of Subsidiarity -- Economic Activity of the Chambers -- Organisational Structure of the CCIs-Primary and Voluntary Offices -- Guidelines for Political Work. Volunteering-Putting Yourself in the Service of the Economy -- Various Honorary Tasks -- Portrait: Georg Dettendorfer, Dettendorfer Spedition Ferntrans GmbH & -- Co. KG-understanding volunteering as part of entrepreneurial work -- General Assembly-Taking Responsibility Together -- From the Election Regulations -- Composition of the General Assembly -- One Man, One Vote -- Tasks of the General Assembly -- Rotation of Meetings -- Case Study: Notes from the General Assembly-Bringing Together the Opinions of Companies -- CCI Regional Committees-Ensuring a Direct Link to Regional Activity -- Democratic Election Regulations -- Size of the Regional Committees -- Representing Local Level Interests -- Reasons for Reform -- Strengthening the Regions-Including in the General Assembly -- Inter-administrative District Cooperation Through Additional CCI Forums -- Case Study: Insight Into the Work of the Regional Committees-Working Together to Advance the Regional Economy -- Alt�otting-M�uhldorf Regional Committee -- Starnberg Regional Committee -- Erding-Freising Regional Committee -- CCI Specialist Committees and Working Groups-Tasked with Co-formulating the Content-Related Goals of CCI Work -- Interview: CCI Brand Identity Across Germany-Placing the Honourable Merchant at Its Centre -- Excursus: The Practical Wisdom of the Honourable Merchant -- Historical Review-How the Chambers Arose and Developed -- Chambers at the Turn of the 19th Century -- Initial Definition Criteria for Compulsory Membership Under Prussian Rule -- The Unglamorous Nazi Period -- A New Beginning in the Post-war Period-New Role Definition for the Chambers -- Different Approaches by the Occupying Powers, as Well as in German Politics and the Economy -- Demand for a Nationwide CCI Law -- Conclusion of the Discussion with CCI Law. Interview: Leap into the modern age-looking back on 175 years of CCI for Munich and Upper Bavaria in the anniversary year 2018 -- Bavarian Business Archive-preserving the past for the present -- 3 Comparing the Chamber Systems-What a Colourful World -- Chambers and More-Organising the Economy, Representing Interests -- Different National Chamber Systems -- Excursus: The British Professional System -- Chambers Versus Associations -- Specificity of the Chambers in Germany -- Representation of Interests Using the Example of the CCIs -- Compulsory Membership as a Basis -- Specific Characteristics of Private Law Associations in Germany -- Private Law Business Associations in the USA -- Interview: The German Chamber System-Ensuring Justice by the Letter of the Law -- The Chambers of Trades and Crafts-Representing Employers and Employees Simultaneously -- Compulsory Membership and Definition of Membership -- Crafts Code as Basis -- Rules of Participation for Employers and Employees -- Election of the General Assembly by Pro Forma Election Without Ballot -- Political Representation of Interests -- Further Tasks Under the Crafts Code -- Role of the Chambers of Crafts in Vocational Training -- The Bavarian Chamber of Architects-Promoting Building Culture -- Protected Professional Title Through the Chamber's Own List of Architects -- Legal Obligation to Protect the Profession's Reputation -- Privilege of Comprehensive Right to Submit Building Applications Only for Members of the Chamber -- Support for Professional Courts by the Chamber of Architects -- Disciplinary Options -- Settlement of Disputes Before the Chamber -- Statements of Opinion on the Laws -- Information and Consulting Services -- Representative Meeting in Place of a General Assembly -- By Way of Comparison: The Austrian Federal Economic Chamber-Institutionalising Consensus. Member Mix from Trade and Industry and the Skilled Trades -- Complex Structure of Chambers and Professional Organisations -- Structural Legitimation -- Contributions and Obligation to Contribute -- Representation of Interests via the Vienna Economic Parliament -- The Representation of Interests in Practice -- Wide Range of Services -- Foreign Trade Centres of the WK�O -- WK�O as a Partner in Collective Bargaining -- Proximity to Politics -- By Way of Comparison II: US Chamber of Commerce-Having the Freedom to Take Responsibility -- Support of the State as the Starting Point for the US Chamber of Commerce -- Complex Private Law, Global Structure -- Administrative Council as an Influential Body -- Voluntary Membership -- Political Lobbying -- Voice in Washington D.C. -- Opinion Forming Plus Overall Representation of Interests -- Own Economic Research -- 4 The German Chambers of Commerce Abroad-An International Win-Win Situation -- Chambers of Commerce Abroad-Networking to Ensure the Success of the German Business Abroad -- Close Coordination Between CCIs and AHKs -- Self-governance Principle also Applies to the AHKs -- Special Creative Power of the AHK Board Members -- Personal Exchange as the Most Important Basis for the Success of the AHK-CCI Network -- The Chambers of Commerce Abroad (AHK) at a Glance -- Portraits of the Chambers of Commerce Abroad-Building Bridges Between Cultures -- Case Study 1: AHK Austria-Breaking Down Language Barriers in German-Speaking Countries -- A Parallel Representative Office of the Bavarian Economy -- Mentoring for Young Executives -- Events and Networking -- Case Study 2: AHK Czech Republic-Lobbying and Networking in a Sophisticated Atmosphere -- Facing the Challenge of a Shortage in Skilled Workers -- Summer Networking Party. Case Study 3: AHK Kenya-Dual Vocational Training and Environmental Protection for East Africa -- Transfer of Dual Vocational Training -- Special Focus on Sustainability -- Case Study 4: AHK India-Service Provider and Contact Broker on the Sub-continent -- Locations with Their Own Topical Focus -- Training Centre-Dual Vocational Training -- Lively Trade Fair Activity -- Events and Networking -- Case Study 5: AHK Greater China-A Heavy Weight in the Far East -- Dual Vocational Training -- Econet China -- "More Than a Market" Initiative -- Innovation Hub-Shenzhen -- Government Relations, Surveys and Press Relations -- Numerous Events -- Case Study 6: AHK Argentina-The Fight Against Corruption and Advocating Sound Vocational Training -- Training Work Spanning Four Decades -- Compliance and Anti-Corruption -- Intensive Exchange of Information and Experience -- Case Study 7: AHK S�ao Paulo-South American Socializer -- "Start-Ups Connected" Initiative and Innovation Congress -- Awards and Conferences -- Editor's Note: The AHK Survey Took Place in Summer 2018 -- Chambers of Commerce Abroad in Action-Developing International Economic Relations with the Help of the Chambers of Commerce Abroad -- Case Study 1: Samhammer AG-Finding the Way to the Far East with the Help of the AHK Vietnam -- Going Abroad with the Customers? Of Course! -- Introduction Trips to China and-By Chance-To Vietnam -- Extensive AHK Support: From the Initiation of Contacts to Obtaining Permits -- On Course for Growth in Ho Chi Minh City -- Support by the German Business Association -- Helpful Dual Vocational Training Programmes of the AHK on-Site in Vietnam -- Cross-Cultural Encounter in Weiden and Vietnam -- Case Study 2: Amro Met-Getting Start-up Aid for the German Market via the AHK Poland -- Difficult Customer Acquisition in Germany -- Support from the AHK Warsaw. Successful Establishment of Contact with an Upper Bavarian Medium-Sized Company.


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