Intro -- Introduction -- Table of Contents -- I Case Studies Spanish and Portuguese Literatures -- On Integrating Jewish Literature(s) into the Teaching of Early Modern Spanish Literature: Preliminary Thoughts -- The Jewish Auto-Sacramental Plays as Jewish Baroque Drama -- Integrating the Writings of the Western Sephardic Diaspora into the Literature of the Spanish Golden Age -- Post-Essentialist Belonging in Portuguese: Herberto Helder (1930-2015) -- II Case Studies German, Turkish and Arabic Literatures -- A Few Remarks about Teaching Jewish Turkish Literature -- Teaching Literatures by Arabized Jews: Medieval and Modern -- Dissenting Narratives - The Figure of the 'Arab Jew' in Contemporary Arabic Literature and Film -- German-Jewish Literature: An Interruption -- Reading Kafka in Turkey -- Unraveling Heimat - Recontextualizing Gertrud Kolmar's Das preu�ische Wappenbuch -- III Case Studies American and English Literatures -- Configurations of Jewishness in Modernism: Woolf and Joyce -- Planetarity in the Global? Modern Jewish Literature in English -- Yiddish in Jewish-American Literature: An Asset to Teaching at German Universities -- Affiliated Identities as a Design Tool for a Jewish Literature Course -- IV Case Studies French and Italian Literatures -- Case Study: Belonging in Dialogue. How to Integrate H�el�ene Cixous and Jacques Derrida in French Literary Studies -- Teaching Contemporary French Literature: The Case of C�ecile Wajsbrot -- Ways to integrate Jewish Literature into the Broader Context of Academic Teaching -- Redefining and Integrating Jewish Writers into the Study of Historical Avant-Garde(s) -- Primo Levi: Between Literature and the World -- V Case Studies Latin American Literatures -- A Case Study in Latin American Literature: Ilan Stavans' On Borrowed Words. Jewish Latin American Literary Studies: Between Old Challenges and New Paradigms -- An Historical Approach to Contemporary Brazilian Literature: The Example of Bernardo Kucinski -- On Integrating Jewish Literatures into Teaching and Research -- VI Case Studies Hebrew and Yiddish Literatures -- Jewish Writing and Gender between the National and the Transnational -- Producing Radical Presence: Yiddish Literature in Twenty-first Century Israel -- The Unhomely In/Of Hebrew Literature -- The Yiddish Roots of Modern Jewish Writing in Europe and America -- The Place of Hebrew: Maya Arad's Another Place, a Foreign City -- VII Case Studies Russian, Eastern European and Hungarian Literatures -- Traces, Memories: On P�eter N�adas -- Osip Mandelstam's Postmultilingual Condition -- About the Integration of Jewish Literatures into Slavonic Studies -- Polish Jewish Literature: A Brief History, Theoretical Framework, and a Teaching Example.