Halbritter, Heidemarie.
Illustrated Pollen Terminology.
- 2nd ed.
- 1 online resource (487 pages)
Intro -- Preface to the First Edition -- Preface to the Second Edition -- Contents -- Abbreviations -- Introduction -- Part I: General Chapters -- Palynology: History and Systematic Aspects -- The History of Palynology -- Categories, Classification Systems and Systematic Value of Pollen Features -- The Turmal System -- The Treme System and the NPC-Classification -- Systematic Value of Pollen Features -- Future Perspective -- References -- Pollen Development -- Microsporogenesis and Microgametogenesis -- References -- Pollen Morphology and Ultrastructure -- Polarity and Shape -- Apertures -- Pollen Wall -- Structure -- Sporopollenin -- Chemically Related Biomacromolecules -- The Angiosperm Pollen Wall -- The Gymnosperm Pollen Wall -- Sculpture: Ornamentation -- Ornamentation in LM vs. SEM -- Role of Pollen Ornamentation in Pollination -- Functional Value of Exine Reduction -- Harmomegathy: The Harmomegathic Effect -- Size -- Heterostyly and Pollen Dimorphism -- Aberrant Pollen Grains -- References -- Misinterpretations in Palynology -- Example 1: Tripartite Feature in Gymnosperms - Impression Mark -- Example 2: Tripartite Feature in Angiosperms - Triangular Tenuitas -- Example 3: Tripartite Feature in Angiosperms - Synaperture -- Example 4: Tripartite Feature in Angiosperms - Trichotomosulcus -- Example 5: Tripartite Feature in Angiosperms - Sulci vs. Colpi vs. tenuitas -- Example 6: Tripartite Feature in Angiosperms - Triradiate Aperture -- Example 7: Apertures in Angiosperms - Planaperturate -- Example 8: Apertures in Angiosperms - Inconspicuous Pori -- Example 9: Apertures in Angiosperms - Inconspicuous Colpi -- Example 10: Apertures in Angiosperms - Hidden Apertures -- Example 11: Apertures in Angiosperms - Ring-like Apertures vs. Colpate-Operculate -- Example 12: Apertures in angiosperms - Tenuitas vs. Poroid. Example 13: Apertures in Angiosperms - Infoldings vs. Apertures -- Example 14: Apertures in Angiosperms - Ulcerate-Operculate vs. Ring-like Aperture -- Example 15: Apertures in Angiosperms - Disulcate vs. Dicolpate -- Example 16: Apertures in Angiosperms - Zon-, Zono-, Zoni-, Zona- vs. Ring-like Aperture and Stephanoaperturate Pollen -- Example 17: Magnification Effect - Retipilate vs. Reticulum Cristatum -- Example 18: Dispersal Units - Massula vs. Polyad -- Example 19: Preparation Effect - Psilate vs. Ornamented -- Example 20: Preparation Effect - Areolate-Fossulate vs. Verrucate -- Example 21: Preparation Effect - Striate vs. Striato-reticulate -- Example 22: Staining Methods - Absence or Presence of Endexine -- References -- How to Describe and Illustrate Pollen Grains -- Pollen from a Single Extant Taxon: Online Publication in PalDat -- Groups of Extant Pollen -- Fossil Pollen -- References -- Methods in Palynology -- Preparation of Recent and Fossil Material for LM, SEM, and TEM -- Light Microscopy -- Pollen Hydration Status at Dispersal -- Pollen Hydrated in Water -- Clarify the Pollen Polarity and Aperture Type -- Acetocarmine Staining: Detection of the Cellular Condition -- Potassium Iodine: Detection of Starch -- Acetolysis: Visualizing Pollen Ornamentation and Aperture Number in Recent and Fossil Pollen -- Heavy Liquid Separation -- Acetolysis the Fast Way -- Scanning Electron Microscopy: Preparation of Recent Pollen -- The DMP Direct Method: Dimethoxypropane -- Transmission Electron Microscopy: Pollen Wall Stratification and Ultrastructure -- Fixation and Embedding -- Ultramicrotomy -- Formvar Film-Coated Grids -- Section Manipulators (Eyelash or Other Adequate Type of Hair) -- Loops -- Specimen Block Trimming -- Glass Knives -- Semi-Thin Sectioning -- Ultra-Thin Sectioning -- Section Pick-Up -- Staining Methods. Uranyl Acetate-Lead Citrate Staining: U + Pb -- The Lipid Test for the Detection of Unsaturated Lipids: TCH + SP -- Thi�ery-Test: PA + TCH + SP -- Modified Thi�ery-Test: PA + TCH + SP (short) -- Potassium Permanganate: KMnO4 -- Preparation of Fossil Pollen -- Preparation Method: From Rock to Palynomorphs -- The Single-Grain Method -- Making Glass-Pipettes -- Producing a Micromanipulator -- Applying the Single-Grain Method -- Recipes -- Recipes for Light Microscopy (LM) -- Acetocarmine (Staining) -- Potassium Iodine (Lugol's Iodine, Detection of Starch) -- Toluidine Blue (Staining) -- Chlorination Mixture -- Acetolysis Mixture -- Zinc Bromide Solution (Heavy Liquid Separation for Samples with a High Mineral Content) -- Recipes for Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) -- Dimethoxypropane (Dehydration) -- Recipes for Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) -- 3% Glutaraldehyde (Fixation) -- 1 % Osmium Tetroxide (Fixation) -- Phosphate Buffer pH 7.2 (Fixation) -- 0.8% Potassium Ferrocyanide (Accelerator for Osmium) -- Agar Low Viscosity Resin Kit (Embedding) -- Potassium Iodine (Staining) -- 1% Potassium Permanganate (Fixation and Staining) -- 1% Periodic Acid (Staining) -- 0.2% Thiocarbohydrazide (Staining) -- 1% Silver Proteinate (Staining) -- Uranyl Acetate (Staining) -- Lead Citrate (Staining) -- Formvar Filming Solution (Film-Coated Grids) -- References -- Part II: Illustrated Pollen Terms -- Pollen- and Dispersal Units -- monad -- dyad -- pseudomonad -- tetrad -- tetrad tetrahedral -- tetrad decussate -- tetrad planar -- polyad -- massula -- pollinium -- pollinarium -- Shape and Polarity -- outline circular -- outline elliptic -- outline lobate -- outline triangular -- outline quadrangular -- outline polygonal -- P/E-ratio, oblate -- P/E-ratio, isodiametric -- P/E-ratio, prolate -- isopolar -- heteropolar -- shape -- saccus/saccate, corpus. saccus, monosaccate -- saccus, bisaccate -- saccus, trisaccate -- infoldings, apertures sunken -- infoldings, boat-shaped -- infoldings, cup-shaped -- infoldings, interapertural area sunken -- infoldings, irregular -- Aperture -- angulaperturate -- annulus/annulate -- aperture/aperturate -- aperture membrane -- atrium, oncus -- brevicolpus/brevicolpate -- brevicolporus/brevicolporate -- bridge -- colpus/colpate, dicolpate -- colpus/colpate, tricolpate -- colpus/colpate, tetracolpate, pentacolpate -- colpus/colpate, hexacolpate -- colpus/colpate, stephanocolpate -- colpus/colpate, pantocolpate -- colporus/colporate, dicolporate -- colporus/colporate, tricolporate -- colporus/colporate, tetracolporate -- colporus/colporate, pentacolporate, stephanocolporate -- colporus/colporate, stephanocolporate -- ektoaperture, endoaperture, lalongate, lolongate -- heteroaperturate -- inaperturate -- leptoma -- margo -- operculum/operculate -- pantoaperturate, pantocolpate -- pantoaperturate, pantocolporate, pantoporate -- pantoaperturate, pantoporate -- papilla -- planaperturate -- pontoperculum/pontoperculate -- porus/porate, diporate -- porus/porate, triporate -- porus/porate, tetraporate -- porus/porate, pentaporate -- porus/porate, stephanoporate -- porus/porate, pantoporate -- poroid/poroidate -- pseudocolpus -- ring-like aperture -- spiral aperture/spiraperturate -- stephanoaperturate -- sulcus/sulcate -- sulcus/sulcate, disulcate -- sulcus/sulcate, trichotomosulcate -- sulcus/sulcate, polychotomosulcate -- synaperturate, syncolpate, syncolporate -- synaperturate, syncolporate -- ulcus/ulcerate -- Ornamentation -- areola/areolate -- baculum/baculate -- bireticulate -- clava/clavate, caput -- clypeate -- croton pattern -- echinus/echinate -- fossula/fossulate -- foveola/foveolate -- free-standing columellae -- gemma/gemmate -- granulum/granulate. heterobrochate -- homobrochate -- lophae/lophate, lacunae -- micro- -- nano- -- perforate -- plicae/plicate -- psilate -- reticulum/reticulate -- reticulum cristatum -- rugulae/rugulate -- scabrate -- striae/striate -- striato-reticulate -- suprasculpture -- supratectal element -- verruca/verrucate -- Pollen Wall -- tectum/tectate -- eutectate -- semitectate -- atectate -- infratectum alveolate -- infratectum columellate -- infratectum granular -- infratectum absent -- internal tectum -- foot layer -- endexine compact-continuous -- endexine compact-discontinuous -- endexine spongy-continuous -- endexine lamellar-continuous -- endexine in aperture only -- endexine absent -- intine, ektintine, endintine -- primexine -- sexine, nexine -- calymmate -- acalymmate -- arcus/arcuate -- tenuitas -- pollen coating, pollenkitt -- pollen coating, primexine matrix -- pollen coating, tryphine -- elastoviscin -- viscin thread -- Ubisch body (Ubisch bodies) -- Pollen Class -- pollen class -- Part III: Palynological Terms -- Glossary of Palynological Terms -- Annex -- Picture Copyrights -- Chapter: "Pollen- and Dispersal Units" -- Chapter: "Shape and Polarity" -- Chapter: "Aperture" -- Chapter: "Ornamentation" -- Chapter: "Pollen Wall" -- Chapter: "Pollen Class" -- Index.
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