Gottsmann, Joachim.

Volcanic Unrest : From Science to Society. - 1st ed. - 1 online resource (313 pages) - Advances in Volcanology Series . - Advances in Volcanology Series .

Intro -- Preface -- Contents -- 19 Volcanic Unrest and Pre-eruptive Processes: A Hazard and Risk Perspective -- Abstract -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Motivation -- 3 Volcanic Unrest: Scientific and Social Context -- 4 Challenges and Key Questions Relating to Volcanic Unrest -- 4.1 Wider Perspective -- 4.2 Uncertain Causes and Uncertain Effects -- 4.3 The Hazard and Risk Interface -- Scientific Challenges -- Societal Challenges -- 4.4 Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) -- 5 Global and Regional Context of Volcanic Unrest -- 5.1 Unrest Durations and Characteristics -- 5.2 Socio-Economic Contexts -- The Wider Perspective -- Short-Term Crisis Example: The 1976-1977 La Soufri�ere of Guadeloupe Unrest -- Long-Term Crises Examples: Soufri�ere Hills (Montserrat) and Tungurahua (Ecuador) -- 6 Discussion -- 6.1 The Caveats of Volcanic Unrest Response -- 6.2 Some Ways Forward -- 7 Conclusions -- Acknowledgements -- References -- 29 The Role of Laws Within the Governance of Volcanic Risks -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Geological Background -- 3 Risk Governance and Roles of Law -- 3.1 The Creation of National Risk Governance Infrastructures -- 3.2 The Creation of Duty and Rights -- 3.3 The Creation of Powers -- 3.4 The Creation of Regulators, Enforcement Powers and Scrutiny Venues -- 3.5 The Role of International Law -- 3.6 The Role of International Institutions and Agencies -- 4 Conclusions -- References -- Legal Authorities and Case Law -- 8 Deterministic Versus Probabilistic Volcano Monitoring: Not "or" But "and" -- Abstract -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Forecasts based on Deterministic Research -- 3 Probabilistic Forecasts -- 4 Recommendations: Not "or" But "and" -- 4.1 Expert Elicitation: A Solution? -- 4.2 How to Interpret Uncertainties? -- 4.3 Trust in Scientists? -- 4.4 Towards Collaborative Volcano Monitoring -- 5 Take Home Ideas -- References. 14 Probabilistic E-tools for Hazard Assessment and Risk Management -- Abstract -- Abstract -- Introduction -- Volcanic Risk: Hazard, Vulnerability, and Value -- E-tools for Volcanic Hazard and Risk Management -- Storing Data -- Hazard E-tools -- Spatial Analysis -- Temporal Analysis -- Simulation Models -- Vulnerability E-tool -- Decision-Making -- Discussion and Conclusions -- Acknowledgements -- References -- 9 The Need to Quantify Hazard Related to Non-magmatic Unrest: From BET_EF to BET_UNREST -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 BET_UNREST Model and PyBetUnrest Tool -- 3 BET_UNREST Applications -- 3.1 Popocat�epetl, Mexico: A Retrospective Application Based on the Popo-DataBase -- 3.2 Cotopaxi, Ecuador: Retrospective Application Inspired by the VUELCO Simulation Exercise in Quito -- 3.3 Dominica, West Indies, Lesser Antilles: VUELCO Simulation Exercise, Dominica, May 2015 -- 4 Discussion and Implications for Unrest Tracking -- References -- 33 Groundwater flow and volcanic unrest -- Abstract -- 1 Resumen -- 2 Introduction -- 3 Hydrothermal System -- 3.1 Fluid flow -- 3.1.1 Permeability and Porosity -- 3.2 Chemical Reactions -- 3.2.1 Reaction Controlling Parameters -- 3.2.2 Fluid Composition -- 3.2.3 Acidity of Hydrothermal Fluids -- 3.2.4 Water/Rock Ratio -- 3.2.5 Rock Type -- 3.2.6 Pressure -- 3.2.7 Temperature -- 4 Hydrothermal Systems and Unrest -- 5 Monitoring and Signals -- 6 Open Questions-Important Unknowns -- Acknowledgements -- References -- 20 Experimental Simulations of Magma Storage and Ascent -- Abstract -- 1 Linking Geophysical and Geochemical Warning Signals to Magmatic Processes -- 2 Magma Storage -- 2.1 Decoding Natural Pyroclasts -- 2.2 Phase-Equilibrium Experiments -- 3 Magma Ascent -- 3.1 Textures of Natural Pyroclasts -- 3.2 Dynamic Experiments -- 4 Future Directions -- References. 21 Magma Chamber Rejuvenation: Insights from Numerical Models -- Abstract -- 1 Extended English/Spanish abstract -- 2 Introduction -- 3 Numerical Simulations of Magma Chamber Rejuvenation -- 3.1 Magmatic System -- 3.2 Magma Dynamics -- 3.3 Ground Deformation -- 4 Discussion and Conclusions -- Acknowledgements -- Index -- References -- 30 Magma Mixing: History and Dynamics of an Eruption Trigger -- Abstract -- 1 Magma Mixing: A Brief Historical Overview -- 2 Magma Mixing: Field Evidence -- 3 Numerical and Experimental Studies: New Ideas for Deciphering the Complexity of Magma Mixing -- 4 Geochemical Evidence of Magma Mixing/Mingling: An Example from the Campi Flegrei Volcanic Area -- 5 Numerical Simulation of Magma Mingling and Mixing -- 6 Magma Mixing Time Scale and Eruption Trigger -- Acknowledgements -- References -- 35 Gases as Precursory Signals: Experimental Simulations, New Concepts and Models of Magma Degassing -- Abstract -- 1 Magma Degassing and Volcanic Gases as Precursory Signals -- 2 Experimental Simulations -- 2.1 Basaltic Systems -- 2.2 Rhyolitic Systems -- 2.3 Summary of Experimental Evidence -- 3 Modelling Disequilibrium Degassing -- 3.1 The Diffusive Fractionation Model -- 3.2 Coupling Between Diffusion and Vesiculation -- 4 Implications for Gas Phase Compositions -- 4.1 Available Data and Models -- 4.2 Composition of Gas Bubbles -- 5 Discussion and Perspectives for Gas Monitoring -- 5.1 Degassing Processes -- 5.2 Gases as Unrest Signals -- Acknowledgements -- References -- 36 Crystals, Bubbles and Melt: Critical Conduit Processes Revealed by Numerical Models -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 The Model -- 2.1 Governing Equations -- 2.2 Magma Composition -- 2.3 Magma Viscosity-The Contribution of Crystals, Bubbles and Melt -- 2.4 Brittle Failure of Melt -- 2.5 Boundary Conditions -- 3 Critical Conduit Processes. 3.1 Using Magma Ascent Rates to Assess Model Sensitivity -- 3.2 The Critical Model Parameters -- 3.3 Matching Observations-Explosivity and Seismicity -- 4 Pathways for Outgassing -- 5 Summary and Implications -- Acknowledgements -- References -- 23 When Does Magma Break? -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Scaling the Viscous-to-Brittle Transition in Magmas -- 2.1 Single-Phase Magmatic Liquids -- 2.2 Extensions to Multiphase Magmas -- 2.3 Apparent Non-newtonian Effects -- 3 The Universal Breaking Timescales of Volcanic Liquids -- 4 Laboratory-Scale Unrest Signals -- References -- 11 Volcano Seismology: Detecting Unrest in Wiggly Lines -- Abstract -- Abstract -- Volcanic Unrest -- Seismic Event Characterisation -- Classification by Frequency Content -- Classification by Waveform Similarity -- The Source Mechanisms of Low Frequency Earthquakes -- Forecasting Eruptive Activity -- Summary -- Acknowledgements -- References -- 13 The Ups and Downs of Volcanic Unrest: Insights from Integrated Geodesy and Numerical Modelling -- Abstract -- Abstract -- Introduction -- Implementing Complex Crustal Mechanics -- Case Studies -- Uturuncu -- Cotopaxi -- Soufri�ere Hills -- Las Ca�nadas -- Discussion -- The Effect of Crustal Mechanics on Stress, Strain and Pressure -- Hybrid Unrest and Source Characterisation -- Application to Eruption Forecasting -- Conclusions -- Acknowledgements -- Index Terms -- References -- 12 Fluid Geochemistry and Volcanic Unrest: Dissolving the Haze in Time and Space -- Abstract -- Abstract -- Introduction -- Magmatic-Hydrothermal Manifestations -- Magma Degassing from Bottom to Top -- Magma Degassing -- When the Gas Hits the Water -- The Other Liquid: Elemental Sulphur -- Tracking Hydrothermal Unrest and Related Hazards: Methods from Case-Studies -- From Quiescence to Unrest, to Phreatic Eruptions, to Magmatic Eruptions. Turrialba, Costa Rica (2001-2016) -- Cotopaxi, Ecuador (2015-2016) -- Gas Impact and Acid Rain -- Rock Leaching upon Weathering -- Volcanic Lakes -- Acid Peak-Activity Lakes in a State of Unrest -- Volcanic Lake Response to External Triggers in the Absence of Magmatic Unrest -- Take-Home Ideas: Implications for Geochemical Monitoring -- References -- 10 Geophysical Footprints of Cotopaxi's Unrest and Minor Eruptions in 2015: An Opportunity to Test Scientific and Community Preparedness -- Abstract -- Abstract -- Introduction -- Cotopaxi Volcano -- Monitoring Cotopaxi -- Synthesis of the Geophysical Fingerprints of the Unrest -- Geophysical Registry of Cotopaxi's Restlessness in 2015 -- Hydromagmatic Explosions/Strong Emissions of 14 August, 2015 -- Post 14 August, 2015: Open Conduit Degassing and Ash Emissions -- Ash Componentry -- Seismicity -- Visual Observations and Secondary Effects -- Interpretation and Model -- The Science-Society Interface -- Conclusions -- Acknowledgements -- References -- 34 Volcanic Unrest Simulation Exercises: Checklists and Guidance Notes -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 1.1 Simulation Exercises and the Sendai Framework -- 1.2 The Managerial and Scrutiny Dimensions of Risk -- 1.2.1 Managerial Dimension -- 1.2.2 Scrutiny Dimension -- 1.3 Academic Support for Training and Simulation Exercises -- 2 Methodology -- 3 Background -- 3.1 VUELCO Themes and Goals -- 3.2 Checklists and Guidance Notes -- 3.2.1 Checklists -- 3.2.2 Guidance Notes -- 4 Checklists (in bold italics) and Guidance Notes (in normal font) -- 4.1 Planning -- 4.2 Logistics -- 4.3 The Volcano Team -- 4.4 The Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) -- 4.5 The Risk Managers-Civil Protection Authorities (CPA) -- 4.6 Observers/Auditors -- 5 Discussion -- 6 Conclusions -- Disclaimer -- References -- Further reading sources on VHUB website. AppendixVolcanic Unrest: Terminology and Definitions.


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