Nunes, Terezinha.

Teaching and Learning about Whole Numbers in Primary School. - 1st ed. - 1 online resource (58 pages) - ICME-13 Topical Surveys Series . - ICME-13 Topical Surveys Series .

Intro -- Acknowledgments -- Contents -- 1 Teaching and Learning About Whole Numbers in Primary School -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Survey on the State of the Art -- 2.1 A Theory of Number Meanings for Teaching and Learning -- 2.2 Arithmetic and Quantitative Reasoning: Why They Are Different -- 2.3 Teaching Arithmetic in Primary School -- 2.3.1 Teaching and Learning Arithmetic Using Written Algorithms -- 2.3.2 Teaching and Learning Mental Arithmetic -- 2.3.3 Flexibility in Mental Calculation -- 2.4 Quantitative Reasoning in Primary School -- 2.4.1 Additive Reasoning -- 2.4.2 Multiplicative Reasoning -- 2.5 Teaching Quantitative Reasoning -- 2.5.1 Teaching Quantitative Reasoning Before Arithmetic -- 2.5.2 Schema-Based Instruction -- 2.5.3 Instruction Based on Pre-designed Diagrams -- 3 Knowledge of Numbers and Arithmetic for Teaching -- 3.1 Describing Teachers' Content Knowledge and Its Impact -- 3.2 Describing Teachers' Pedagogical Content Knowledge -- 3.3 Other Perspectives on Teachers' Knowledge -- 4 Summary and Challenges for the Future -- References.


Electronic books.
