Henne, Helmut.

Sprachpragmatik : Nachschrift Einer Vorlesung. - 1st ed. - 1 online resource (128 pages) - Reihe Germanistische Linguistik Series ; v.3 . - Reihe Germanistische Linguistik Series .

Intro -- Inhalt -- Vorwort -- 1. Sprachliche Kommunikation und Aspekte ihrer Typologisierung -- 2. Zur zeichentheoretischen Begr�undung der Sprachpragmatik -- 3. Wie man mit Sprache handelt oder: Sprachspiele am Anfang -- 4. Sprechen und Schreiben, H�orverstehen und Lesen -- 5. Aspekte der Sprechakttheorie nach Austin und Searle-Darstellung und Kritik -- 6. „Existenzweisen von Sprache" als pragmatische Kategorien -- 7. Neue Sprachpragmatik und altes Trivium -- 8. Nachtrag: Ein Neubeginn? L. Jonathan Cohen: Speech Acts (1974) -- 9. Literaturverzeichnis -- Sachregister.

The German Linguistic Studies Series is a comprehensive and outstanding forum in its field. It has borne the name of its subject in its title since the foundation of the series in the eighth decade of the last century. The series is comprehensive in the broad spectrum of topics covered (language levels, varieties, communication forms, epochs) in the range of research perspectives (theoretical and empirical studies, fundamental research and applications, interdisciplinarity with psychology, the social sciences etc.) and methodologies (the sole criterion is quality), in the rhythm of research (trends are perceived and also set, achievements are secured) and in the forms of presentation (monographs, textbooks, collected volumes, dictionaries). Professorial theses, outstanding doctoral theses, pioneering research findings from wider contexts, but also the surprising ‛stroke of genius' set the standards for inclusion in the series.


Electronic books.

P99.H43 1975