Approaches to geo-mathematical modelling : new tools for complexity science / edited by Alan G. Wilson. - 1 online resource (506 pages) : illustrations. - Wiley series in computational and quantitative social science . - Wiley series in computational and quantitative social science. .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

The tool kit / Alan Wilson -- Inter-regional migration in Europe in relation to economic and labour market inequalities / Adam Dennett -- International trade flows / Simone Caschili and Alan Wilson -- Service flows in inter-regional input-output models / Rob Levy and Alan Wilson -- A method for estimating unknown national input-output tables using limited data / Thomas Oleron Evans and Rob Levy -- A dynamic global trade model / Hannah M. Fry, Alan Wilson and Frank -- Global dynamical modelling / Anthony Korte and Alan Wilson -- Space-time analysis of point patterns in crime and security events / Toby Davies, Shane Johnson, Alex Braithwaite and Elio Marchione -- The London riots 1 : epidemiology, spatial interaction and probability of arrest / Toby Davies, Hannah M. Fry, Alan Wilson and Steven Bishop -- The London riots 2 : a discrete choice model, an agent-based model / Peter Baudains, Alex Braithwaite and Shane Johnson -- Richardson models with space / Peter Baudains, Alex Braithwaite, Hannah M. Fry, Toby Davies, Alan Wilson and Steven R. Bishop -- Agent-based models of piracy / Elio Marchione, Shane Johnson and Alan Wilson -- A simple approach for the prediction of extinction events in multi-agent models / Thomas Oleron Evans, Steven R. Bishop and Frank T. Smith -- Urban agglomeration through the diffusion of investment impacts / Minette D'Lima, Francescs R. Medda and Alan Wilson -- From Colonel Blotto to Field Marshall Blotto / Peter Baudains, Toby Davies, Hannah M. Fry, and Alan Wilson -- Modelling strategic interactions in a global context / Janina Beiser -- A general framework for static, spatially explicit games of search and concealment / Thomas Oleron Evans, Steven R. Bishop and Frank T. Smith -- Network evolution : a transport example / Francesca Pagliara, Alan Wilson and Valerio de Martinis -- The structure of global transportation networks / Sean Hanna, Joan Serras and Tasos Varoudis -- Trade networks and optimal consumption / Rob Downes and Rob Levy -- Research priorities / Alan Wilson.


Geography--Mathematical models.
International trade--Mathematical models.
Emigration and immigration--Mathematical models.

Electronic books.

G70.23 / .A66 2016
