Medical Law and Ethics /
Jonathan Herring
- 4th ed.
- United Kingdom: Oxford University Press, 2012.
- xxxv, 655 p. : ill. ; 25 cm
Ethics and medical law -- The structure of the NHS and the rationing of health care resources -- Medical negligence -- Consent to treatment -- Confidentiality -- Contraception, abortion, and pregnancy -- Reproduction -- Organ donation and the ownership of body parts -- Dying and death -- Mental health law -- Research.
Medical law is one of the fastest moving areas of law; barely a week can go by without a change to the legal provisions, or a new key case passing through the courts. Medical Law and Ethics is the most regularly updated textbook on medical law, so you can be confident that it takes into account the most recent developments in the law. With exceptional clarity, Medical Law and Ethics covers not only the core legal principles, the key cases, and statutes that govern medical law. It also portrays the key ethic debates and dilemmas that exist in the field to ensure that the law is firmly embedded in its context. Carefully constructed features highlight the key debates where relevant to provide an overview of the different perspectives; from feminists, the European perspective, and different religious views. 'A shock to the system', 'public opinion' and 'reality check' features all introduce different sociological aspects, contributing to the lively and engaging manner with which the subject is approached.