Mastering patient and family education : a healthcare handbook for success /
Lori C. Marshall, PhD, MSN, RN.
- 1 online resource (457 pages) : illustrations
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Patient-family education : a health system approach -- Nurses as educators within health systems -- The nurse's role in the era of accountable care : a catalyst for change -- Interprofessional education strategies -- Advancing patient and family education through interprofessional shared governance -- Use of simulation for patient and caregiver education -- Supporting knowledge-transfer through interactive patient care -- Using telehealth to support patient and family education -- Maximizing knowledge-transfer using language assistance -- Augmentative and assistive communication needs and patient-family education -- Patient-family education documentation processes and systems -- The role of a family resource center -- Creating a patient-family education (PFE) department -- Measurement and outcomes : linking patient and family education to quality, safety, and equity -- Supporting patient-family education through global health partnerships -- Implications for nursing's executive leadership: creating an effective PFE program.