Sperb, Jason, 1978-

Blossoms and blood : postmodern media culture and the films of Paul Thomas Anderson / Jason Sperb. - 1 online resource (297 pages)

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Machine generated contents note: Acknowledgments -- Introduction. White-Noise Media Culture and the Films of Paul Thomas Anderson -- Chapter 1. I Remembered Your Face: Indie Cinema, Neo-noir, and -- Narrative Ambiguity in Hard Eight (1996) -- Chapter 2. I Dreamed I Was in a Hollywood Movie: Stars, Hyperreal Sounds of the 1970s, and Cinephiliac Pastiche in Boogie Nights (1997) -- Chapter 3. If That Was in a Movie, I Wouldn't Believe It: Melodramatic Ambivalence, Hypermasculinity, and the Autobiographical Impulse in Magnolia (1999) -- Chapter 4. The Art-House Adam Sandler Movie: Commodity Culture and the Ethereal Ephemerality of Punch-Drunk Love (2002) -- Chapter 5. I Have a Competition in Me: Political Allegory, Artistic Collaboration, and Narratives of Perfection in There Will Be Blood (2007) -- Afterword. On The Master -- Notes -- Select Bibliography -- Index.


Anderson, Paul Thomas--Criticism and interpretation.

Motion picture producers and directors.

Electronic books.

PN1998.3.A5255 / S64 2013
