Care of the newborn : a handbook for primary care / edited by David E. Hertz. - 1 online resource (252 pages) : illustrations

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Care of the normal newborn and family / Mitchell Harris & Mary Cicarelli -- Resuscitation / David W. Boyle & William A. Engle -- Physical examination / Mitchell Harris & Caroline R. Paul -- Assessment of gestational age / Julia Foster -- Thermo-regulation / Vicki Powell-Tippit -- Infant nutrition / Brenda Poindexter -- Common metabolic problems: hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, hypocalcemia, and hypermagnesemia / Scott Denne -- Jaundice / Jo Ann Matory -- Non-surgical causes of respiratory distress / William A. Engle, Michael S. Trautman, Kimberly Applegate -- Surgically correctable causes of respiratory distress / Alan P. Ladd & Jay L. Grosfeld -- Oxygen: use and monitoring / Matthew E. Abrams & Neal Simon -- Apnea / Jo Ann Matory -- Infectious diseases / David Hertz -- Congenital heart disease in the neonate / Anne Farrell & Randall L. Caldwell -- Fluid and electrolyte management / Vicki Powell-Tippit -- Neonatal neurology / Gregory M. Sokol, Deborah K. Sokol -- Necrotizing enterocolitis / Michael S. Trautman & Diane Estella Lorant & William A. Engle -- Abdominal surgical emergencies / Scott Engum & Jay L. Grosfeld -- Hematologic disorders / Mervin Yoder & Mark Edwards -- Stabilization and preparation of the infant for transport / Vicki Powell-Tippit -- Caring for the family mourning a perinatal death / James Lemons & Maureen Shea -- Appendix newborn: formulary / William F. Buss.

Newborn infants--Medical care--Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Newborn infants--Diseases--Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Primary health care--Handbooks, manuals, etc.

Electronic books.

RJ254 / .C373 2005
