Eden, A. H., 1967-

Codecharts : roadmaps and blueprints for object-oriented programs / A.H. Eden ; with contributions from J. Nicholson. - Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2011. - xxv, 243 p. : ill. ; 27 cm.

Includes bibliographical references (p. 235-238) and index.

"LePUS3, the language of Codecharts, has proven to radically cuts the costs of key tasks in software development and significantly improves the quality of software produced. This classroom-tested resource teaches this visual language through extensive examples and case studies, offering more precise and elegant notation than any other text on the market. It provides accessible, illustration-driven content, with blueprints and roadmaps of programs appearing on almost every page. The book is written for software professionals, third- and fourth-year students of computer science, and graduate students and researchers in software engineering"-- "The book is about a visual language for creating blueprints and maps of programs: Codecharts. It is written for practitioners who wish to cut the costs of software development with Java, C++, C# and other dominant programming languages. To be most effective, Codecharts are presented in a visually attractive form that is accessible to professionals and students alike: One or more sample charts appear on every page of the book, modeling programs that every programmer is familiar with"--

9780470626948 (hardback)


Computer software--Development.
Object-oriented programming (Computer science)

QA76.76.D47 / E297 2011