Concentrate: Evidence /
Maureen Spencer; John Spencer
- 2nd ed.
- United Kingdom: Oxford University Press, 2012.
- XVI, 179, [1], A19 : ill. ; 21 cm.
1. Introduction, principles and key concepts ; 2. Burden of proof and presumptions ; 3. Confessions and the defendant's silence ; 4. Improperly obtained evidence, other than confessions ; 5. Character evidence ; 6. Hearsay evidence ; 7. Competence and compellability, special measures ; 8. Issues in the course of trial ; 9. Opinion evidence ; 10. Public interest immunity ; 11. Privilege
Accurate and accessible, Concentrate guides enable you to take exams with confidence. Including revision tips and advice for extra marks, alongside a thorough and focussed breakdown of the key topics and cases, this guide will help you to get the most out of your revision and to maximise your performance in exams.