Aqa Law for A2. Jacqueline Martin, Chris Turner, Denis Lanser 

Jacqueline Martin

Aqa Law for A2. Jacqueline Martin, Chris Turner, Denis Lanser  Jacqueline Martin - United Kingdom Hodder education  2011  - 459 pages

Cover; Book title; Contents; Preface; Acknowledgements; Table of cases; Table of statutes and other instruments; UNIT 3 SECTION A: Criminal Law (Offences against the person); Unit 3 Section B: Law of Contract; Unit 4 Section A: Criminal Law (Offences against property); Unit 4 Section B: Law of Tort; Unit 4 Section C: Concepts of Law; Index.

Need a bang up-to-date book matched completely to your AQA Law for A2 course?. Want to know that it's been checked for the specification by experts and is packed full of exam tips?. AQA Law for A2, 4th edition is the book for you. The authors, Jacqueline Martin and Chris Turner, have helped 100,000s of students to be successful in studying law. Editor Denis Lanser is an experienced chief examiner. Together they have ensured that this book covers all the necessary AQA A2 level topics in a clear order and in accessible language.

