Land Law /

John Stevens

Land Law / John Stevens; Robert A Pearce - 5th ed. - United Kingdom : Sweet & Maxwell, 2012

Part 1. Introductory; Orientation; What is Land?; Historic Foundations of Land Law; Unregistered Land; Registered Land: The Framework of Contemporary Land Law; Alterations to the Land Register: Rectification and Indemnity; Priority Between Interests in Registered Land; Part 2. The Ownership of Land; Freehold Ownership of Land; Leasehold Ownership; Leasehold Covenants; Equitable Ownership of Land;Co-Ownership of Land; The Statutory Framework Governing Trusts of Land; Successive Ownership and Limited Interests in Land; Part 3. Subsidiary Interests in Land; Easements and Profits # Prendre; Covenants Affecting Freehold Land; Mortgages; Estate Contracts; Estoppel Equities; Licences and Occupational Rights

Land Law provides the reader with a clear and concise explanation of the vast range of topics covered in the majority of land law courses. As part of the Textbook Series, the work sets out a clear framework and seeks to explain the intricacies of the law as clearly as possible, without sacrificing the detail that is required for a proper understanding of the subject.

