Key Facts English Legal System /
Jacqueline Martin
Key Facts English Legal System / Jacqueline Martin - 4th ed. - London : Routledge, 2010 - 129 p. : ill.
1. What is law? 2. Judicial precedent 3. Legislation 4. European Union law 5. Law reform 6. The civil justice system 7. Tribunals and enquiries 8. Police powers 9. The criminal process and courts 10. Sentencing 11. The legal profession 12. The judiciary 13. Lay people in the legal system 14. Legal services and funding Index
Key Facts is the essential revision series for anyone studying law, including LLB, ILEX and post-graduate conversion courses. The Key Facts series provides the simplest and most effective way for you to absorb and retain the essential facts needed to pass your exams effortlessly.
Key Facts English Legal System / Jacqueline Martin - 4th ed. - London : Routledge, 2010 - 129 p. : ill.
1. What is law? 2. Judicial precedent 3. Legislation 4. European Union law 5. Law reform 6. The civil justice system 7. Tribunals and enquiries 8. Police powers 9. The criminal process and courts 10. Sentencing 11. The legal profession 12. The judiciary 13. Lay people in the legal system 14. Legal services and funding Index
Key Facts is the essential revision series for anyone studying law, including LLB, ILEX and post-graduate conversion courses. The Key Facts series provides the simplest and most effective way for you to absorb and retain the essential facts needed to pass your exams effortlessly.