International Law /

International Law / edited by Malcolm David Evans - 4th ed. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2014 - lxxiii, 873 p. ; 24 cm

A short history of international law / Stephen C Neff --
What is international law for? / Martti Koskenniemi --
A view of delft : some thoughts about thinking about international law / Iain Scobbie --
The sources of international law / Hugh Thirlway --
Soft law in international law-making / Alan Boyle --
International law and 'relative normativity' / Dinah Shelton --
The practical working of the law of treaties / Malgosia Fitzmaurice --
Statehood, self-determination, and recognition / Matthew Craven --
International organizations / Dapo Akande --
The individual and the international legal system / Robert McCorquodale --
Jurisdiction / Vaughan Lowe and Christopher Staker --
International law and restraints on the exercise of jurisdiction by national courts of states / Hazel Fox --
Immunities enjoyed by officials of states and international organizations / Chanaka Wickremasinghe --
The relationship between international and national law / Eileen Denza --
The character and forms of international responsibility / James Crawford and Simon Olleson --
Issues of admissibility and the law of international responsibility / Phoebe Okowa --
The responsibility to protect / Spencer Zifcak --
Countermeasures and sanctions / Nigel White and Ademola Abass --
The means of dispute settlement / John Merrills --
The international court of justice / Hugh Thirlway --
The use of force and the international legal order / Christine Gray --
The law of the sea / Malcolm D Evans --
International environmental law / Catherine Redgwell --
International investment / Surya P Subedi --
International criminal law / Robert Cryer --
International human rights law / Sir Nigel Rodley --
The law of armed conflict (international humanitarian law) / David Turns.

New chapters on "International Human Rights Law" by Sir Nigel Rodley and "International Investment Law" ny Surya Subedi. Key new materials and cases now covered include: ILC articles on the responsibility of international organisations ; ICJ decisionin Jurisdictional Immunities of the State (Germany v Italy), Questions relating to the obligation to prosecture or extradite (Belgium v Senegal), and territorial and maritime dispute (Nicaragua v Colombia) ; ICC judgments in Prosecutor v Lubanga and Prosecutor v Ngujolo Chui ; ECHR judgments in Al-Skei i and others v the United Kingdom, Al-Jedda v Th United Kingdom, Hirsi Jamaa v Italy, and Nada v Switzerland ; Domestic court judgments including Democratic Republic of Congo and Others v Fg Hemisphhere Associates LLC.