Une Doxographie Sunnite du IVe/Xe Si�ecle : Kitāb Al-Maqālāt d'Abū Al-ʿAbbās Al-Qalānisī.
Bou Akl, Ziad.
Une Doxographie Sunnite du IVe/Xe Si�ecle : Kitāb Al-Maqālāt d'Abū Al-ʿAbbās Al-Qalānisī. - 1st ed. - 1 online resource (174 pages) - Scientia Graeco-Arabica Series ; v.33 . - Scientia Graeco-Arabica Series .
The series is devoted to the study of scientific and philosophical texts from the Classical and the Islamic world handed down in Arabic. Through critical text editions and monographs, it provides access to ancient scientific inquiry as it developed in a continuous tradition from Antiquity to the modern period. All editions are accompanied by translations and philological and explanatory notes.
Electronic books.
Une Doxographie Sunnite du IVe/Xe Si�ecle : Kitāb Al-Maqālāt d'Abū Al-ʿAbbās Al-Qalānisī. - 1st ed. - 1 online resource (174 pages) - Scientia Graeco-Arabica Series ; v.33 . - Scientia Graeco-Arabica Series .
The series is devoted to the study of scientific and philosophical texts from the Classical and the Islamic world handed down in Arabic. Through critical text editions and monographs, it provides access to ancient scientific inquiry as it developed in a continuous tradition from Antiquity to the modern period. All editions are accompanied by translations and philological and explanatory notes.
Electronic books.