Moravsk�y kras a okol�i / Moravian Karst and its Environs : Atlas pro ter�enn�i v�yuku a outdoorov�e aktivity / Atlas for field work and outdoor activities.

Bal�ak, Ivan.

Moravsk�y kras a okol�i / Moravian Karst and its Environs : Atlas pro ter�enn�i v�yuku a outdoorov�e aktivity / Atlas for field work and outdoor activities. - 1st ed. - 1 online resource (116 pages)

Intro -- Předmluva / Foreword -- �Uvod / Introduction -- Z�ajmov�e �uzem�i / Area of interest -- Administrativn�i členěn�i / Administrative division -- Mikroregiony / Microregions -- Geologie / Geology -- Geomorfologie / Geomorphology -- Reli�ef / Relief -- Půda / Soil -- Kras a jeskyně / Karst and caves -- Voda / Water -- Klima / Climate -- Vegetace / Vegetation -- Krajinn�y pokryv / Land cover -- Ochrana př�irody a krajiny / Nature and landscape protection -- Mezin�arodn�i ochrana př�irody / International nature conservation -- Kulturn�i pam�atky / Cultural monuments -- Lesnick�y Slav�in / Forest Pantheon -- Krajina na historick�ych map�ach / Landscape on historical maps -- Ter�enn�i pr�ace s mapami 1 : 20 000 / Field work with maps 1 : 20,000 -- Mapov�a č�ast 1 : 20 000 / Map part 1 : 20,000 -- Literatura a zdroje / Bibliography and sources -- Rejstř�ik v�yznamn�ych lokalit / Index of important localities.


Electronic books.