The Hyperlinked Society : Questioning Connections in the Digital Age.
Turow, Joseph.
The Hyperlinked Society : Questioning Connections in the Digital Age. - 1st ed. - 1 online resource (289 pages) - The New Media World Series . - The New Media World Series .
Intro -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- Introduction -- PART 1: Hyperlinks and the Organization of Attention -- JAMES G. WEBSTER: Structuring a Marketplace of Attention -- ALEXANDER HALAVAIS: The Hyperlink as Organizing Principle -- PHILIP M. NAPOLI: Hyperlinking and the Forces of "Massification" -- LOKMAN TSUI: The Hyperlink in Newspapers and Blogs -- ESZTER HARGITTAI: The Role of Expertise in Navigating Links of Influence -- SETH FINKELSTEIN: Google, Links, and Popularity versus Authority -- PART 2: Hyperlinks and the Business of Media -- MARTIN NISENHOLTZ: The Hyperlinked News Organization -- TOM HESPOS: How Hyperlinks Ought to Change the Advertising Business -- STACEY LYNN SCHULMAN: Hyperlinks and Marketing Insight -- ERIC PICARD: Hyperlinking and Advertising Strategy -- MARC A. SMITH: From Hyperlinks to Hyperties -- PART 3: Hyperlinks, the Individual and the Social -- DAVID WEINBERGER: The Morality of Links -- STEFAAN G. VERHULST: Linked Geographies: Maps as Mediators of Reality -- JEREMY W. CRAMPTON: Will Peasants Map? Hyperlinks, Map Mashups, and the Future of Information -- LADA A. ADAMIC: The Social Hyperlink -- MARKUS PRIOR: Are Hyperlinks "Weak Ties"? -- MATTHEW HINDMAN: What Is the Online Public Sphere Good For? -- Selected Bibliography -- About the Authors -- Index.
Electronic books.
The Hyperlinked Society : Questioning Connections in the Digital Age. - 1st ed. - 1 online resource (289 pages) - The New Media World Series . - The New Media World Series .
Intro -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- Introduction -- PART 1: Hyperlinks and the Organization of Attention -- JAMES G. WEBSTER: Structuring a Marketplace of Attention -- ALEXANDER HALAVAIS: The Hyperlink as Organizing Principle -- PHILIP M. NAPOLI: Hyperlinking and the Forces of "Massification" -- LOKMAN TSUI: The Hyperlink in Newspapers and Blogs -- ESZTER HARGITTAI: The Role of Expertise in Navigating Links of Influence -- SETH FINKELSTEIN: Google, Links, and Popularity versus Authority -- PART 2: Hyperlinks and the Business of Media -- MARTIN NISENHOLTZ: The Hyperlinked News Organization -- TOM HESPOS: How Hyperlinks Ought to Change the Advertising Business -- STACEY LYNN SCHULMAN: Hyperlinks and Marketing Insight -- ERIC PICARD: Hyperlinking and Advertising Strategy -- MARC A. SMITH: From Hyperlinks to Hyperties -- PART 3: Hyperlinks, the Individual and the Social -- DAVID WEINBERGER: The Morality of Links -- STEFAAN G. VERHULST: Linked Geographies: Maps as Mediators of Reality -- JEREMY W. CRAMPTON: Will Peasants Map? Hyperlinks, Map Mashups, and the Future of Information -- LADA A. ADAMIC: The Social Hyperlink -- MARKUS PRIOR: Are Hyperlinks "Weak Ties"? -- MATTHEW HINDMAN: What Is the Online Public Sphere Good For? -- Selected Bibliography -- About the Authors -- Index.
Electronic books.