Advances in the Sociology of Trust and Cooperation : Theory, Experiments, and Field Studies.

Buskens, Vincent.

Advances in the Sociology of Trust and Cooperation : Theory, Experiments, and Field Studies. - 1st ed. - 1 online resource (556 pages)

Intro -- Contents -- 1. Complementary Studies on Trust and Cooperation in Social Settings: An Introduction -- Part I: Theoretical Contributions -- 2. Institutional Design and Human Motivation: The Role of Homo Economicus Assumptions -- 3. Rational Choice Theory, the Model of Frame Selection and Other Dual-Process Theories. A Critical Comparison -- 4. Too Simple Models in Sociology: The Case of Exchange -- 5. Rational Exploitation of the Core by the Periphery? On the Collective (In)efficiency of Endogenous Enforcement of Universal Conditional Cooperation in a Core-Periphery Network -- 6. Reputation Effects, Embeddedness, and Granovetter's Error -- 7. Robustness of Reputation Cascades -- 8. Organized Distrust: If it is there and that Effective, Why Three Recent Scandals? -- 9. Polarization and Radicalization in the Bounded Confidence Model: A Computer-Aided Speculation -- 10. Local Brokerage Positions and Access to Unique Information -- 11. Who Gets How Much in Which Relation? A Flexible Theory of Profit Splits in Networks and its Application to Complex Structures -- Part II: Experimental Tests -- 12. Social Identity and Social Value Orientations -- 13. Does Money Change Everything? Priming Experiments in Situations of Strategic Interaction -- 14. Social Norms and Commitments in Cooperatives - Experimental Evidence -- 15. Rational Choice or Framing? Two Approaches to Explain the Patterns in the Fehr-G�achter-Experiments on Cooperation and Punishment in the Contribution to Public Goods -- 16. Maverick: Experimentally Testing a Conjecture of the Antitrust Authorities -- 17. Cooperation, Reputation Effects, and Network Dynamics: Experimental Evidence -- 18. Comparing Consequences of Carrots and Sticks on Cooperation in Repeated Public Good Games -- Part III: Field Studies. 19. A Sociological View on Hierarchical Failure: The Effect of Organizational Rules on Exchange Performance in Buyer- Supplier Transactions -- 20. Organizational Innovativeness Through Inter-Organizational Ties -- 21. A Transaction Cost Approach to Informal Care -- 22. Trust is Good - Or is Control Better? Trust and Informal Control in Dutch Neighborhoods - Their Association and Consequences -- 23. Religious Diversity and Social Cohesion in German Classrooms: A Micro-Macro Study Based on Empirical Simulations -- Notes on the Editors and Contributors.


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