Theorizing Folklore from the Margins : Critical and Ethical Approaches.

Otero, Solimar.

Theorizing Folklore from the Margins : Critical and Ethical Approaches. - 1 online resource (353 pages) - Activist Encounters in Folklore and Ethnomusicology Ser. . - Activist Encounters in Folklore and Ethnomusicology Ser. .

Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright -- Dedication -- Contents -- Acknowledgments -- Part I. Critical Paths -- Introduction: How Does Folklore Find Its Voice in the Twenty-First Century? An Offering/Invitation from the Margins / Solimar Otero and Mintzi Auanda Mart�inez-Rivera -- 1. White Traditioning and Bruja Epistemologies: Rebuilding the House of USAmerican Folklore Studies / Rachel V. Gonz�alez-Martin -- 2. Un Tumbe Ch'ixi: Incorporating Afro-Descendant Ideas into an Andean Anticolonial Methodology / Juan Eduardo Wolf -- 3. Disrupting the Archive / Miriam Melton-Villanueva and Sheila Bock -- Part II. Framing the Narrative -- 4. Afrolatinx Folklore and Representation: Interstices and Antiauthenticity / Solimar Otero -- 5. Behaving like Relatives: Or, We Don't Sit Around and Talk Politics with Strangers / Rhonda R. Dass -- 6. Political Protest, Ideology, and Social Criticism in Wolof Folk Poetry / Cheikh Tidiane Lo -- 7. Sugar Cane Alley: Teaching the Concept of "Group" from a Critical Folkloristics Perspective / Katherine Borland -- 8. movimiento armado / armed movement / Itzel Guadalupe Garcia -- Part III. Visualizing the Present -- 9. Ni lacras, ni lesbianas normalizadas: Trauma, matrimonio, conectividad y representaci�on audiovisual para la comunidad lesbiana en Cuba / Mabel Cuesta -- 10. "�Batata? �Batata!": Examining Puerto Rican Visual Folk Expression in Times of Adversity / Gloria M. Colom Bra�na -- 11. Forming Strands and Ties in the Knotted Atlantic:Methodologies of Color and Practice of Beadwork in Lucum�iReligion / Martin A. Tsang -- 12. Of Blithe Spirits: Narratives of Rebellion, Violence, and Cosmic Memory in Haitian Vodou / Alexander Fern�andez -- Part IV. Placing Community -- 13. "No One Would Believe Us": An Autoethnography of Conducting Fieldwork in a Conflict Zone / Mintzi Auanda Mart�inez-Rivera. 14. "La Sierra Ju�arez en Riverside": The Inaugural Oaxacan Philharmonic Bands Audition on a University Campus / X�ochitl Ch�avez -- 15. Hidden Thoughts and Exposed Bodies: Art, Everyday Life, and Queering Cuban Masculinities / Cory W. Thorne -- 16. Complexifying Identity through Disability: Critical Folkloristic Perspectives on Being a Parent and Experiencing Illness and Disability through My Child / Phyllis M. May-Machunda -- Index.

By bridging the gap between theory and practice, Theorizing Folklore from the Margins confirms that engaging with oppressed communities is not only relevant, but necessary.


Folklore--Social aspects--Latin America.
Folk literature, Latin American--History and criticism.
Marginality, Social--Latin America--History.

Electronic books.

