Early Printed Narrative Literature in Western Europe.
Besamusca, Bart.
Early Printed Narrative Literature in Western Europe. - 1st ed. - 1 online resource (406 pages)
Intro -- Acknowledgements -- Contents -- List of Abbreviations -- Introduction -- I. The History of Early Printing of Narrative Texts -- Durchbruch zur Prosa und der Einfluss des Buchdrucks auf die deutschsprachige Erz�ahlliteratur des 15. Jahrhunderts -- Continuities and Discontinuities in the Production and Reception of Middle Dutch Narrative Literature -- The Southern Appeal: Dutch Translations of French Romances (c. 1484-c. 1540) in a Western European Perspective -- The Printing of English Narratives in Wynkyn de Worde's Later Career -- The Publication of English Medieval Romances after the Death of Wynkyn de Worde, 1536-1569 -- Production �editoriale et diffusion des r�ecits arthuriens en France (XV< -- sup> -- e< -- /sup> -- -XVI< -- sup> -- e< -- /sup> -- si�ecles) -- L'�edition imprim�ee des textes m�edi�evaux en langue fran�caise au d�ebut du seizi�eme si�ecle. Le cas de Galliot du Pr�e (1512-1560) -- II. Publication Strategies -- Visual Narrative: The Aeneid Woodcuts from Sebastian Brant's Edition of Virgil (Strasbourg 1502) in Thomas Murner's Translation of the Aeneid (Strasbourg 1515) -- Dasselbe nochmal: Narratives Potenzial von Bildwiederholungen in fr�uhneuzeitlichen Romanen -- Old-Fashioned in Order to be Modern: Seghelijn van Iherusalem and its Woodcuts -- Ritter, Romance, Rewriting. �Uberlegungen zur d�anischen Erz�ahlliteratur in der Fr�uhdruckzeit am Beispiel der Historie von Persenober oc Constantianobis (1572) -- What's in a Name? On the Titles of Early Modern Narratives, in Particular Those of the Spanish libros de caballer�ias -- List of Contributors -- Index of Manuscripts -- Index of Titles -- Index of Names.
Electronic books.
Early Printed Narrative Literature in Western Europe. - 1st ed. - 1 online resource (406 pages)
Intro -- Acknowledgements -- Contents -- List of Abbreviations -- Introduction -- I. The History of Early Printing of Narrative Texts -- Durchbruch zur Prosa und der Einfluss des Buchdrucks auf die deutschsprachige Erz�ahlliteratur des 15. Jahrhunderts -- Continuities and Discontinuities in the Production and Reception of Middle Dutch Narrative Literature -- The Southern Appeal: Dutch Translations of French Romances (c. 1484-c. 1540) in a Western European Perspective -- The Printing of English Narratives in Wynkyn de Worde's Later Career -- The Publication of English Medieval Romances after the Death of Wynkyn de Worde, 1536-1569 -- Production �editoriale et diffusion des r�ecits arthuriens en France (XV< -- sup> -- e< -- /sup> -- -XVI< -- sup> -- e< -- /sup> -- si�ecles) -- L'�edition imprim�ee des textes m�edi�evaux en langue fran�caise au d�ebut du seizi�eme si�ecle. Le cas de Galliot du Pr�e (1512-1560) -- II. Publication Strategies -- Visual Narrative: The Aeneid Woodcuts from Sebastian Brant's Edition of Virgil (Strasbourg 1502) in Thomas Murner's Translation of the Aeneid (Strasbourg 1515) -- Dasselbe nochmal: Narratives Potenzial von Bildwiederholungen in fr�uhneuzeitlichen Romanen -- Old-Fashioned in Order to be Modern: Seghelijn van Iherusalem and its Woodcuts -- Ritter, Romance, Rewriting. �Uberlegungen zur d�anischen Erz�ahlliteratur in der Fr�uhdruckzeit am Beispiel der Historie von Persenober oc Constantianobis (1572) -- What's in a Name? On the Titles of Early Modern Narratives, in Particular Those of the Spanish libros de caballer�ias -- List of Contributors -- Index of Manuscripts -- Index of Titles -- Index of Names.
Electronic books.