Knowledge and Institutions.
Gl�uckler, Johannes.
Knowledge and Institutions. - 1st ed. - 1 online resource (309 pages) - Knowledge and Space Series ; v.13 . - Knowledge and Space Series .
Intro -- Acknowledgements -- Contents -- Contributors -- Chapter 1: On the Spatiality of Institutions and Knowledge -- The Institutional Turn in Geography -- A Spatial Turn in Institutional Theory? -- Institutions, Change, and Social Outcomes: Key Challenges -- Structure of the Book -- Challenges in Institutional Research -- Institutional Dynamics Between Continuity and Change -- The Impact of Institutions on Regional Learning and Development -- Conclusion -- References -- Part I: Challenges in Institutional Research -- Chapter 2: The Shared Challenges of Institutional Theories: Rational Choice, Historical Institutionalism, and Sociological Institutionalism -- Economic Geography and Institutional Change -- Rational Choice Institutionalism -- Historical Institutionalism -- Sociological Institutionalism -- A Different Approach to Institutions -- References -- Chapter 3: Organizational Fields as Mnemonic Communities -- Network Structure and Collective Cognition -- Organizational Fields -- Functional Organizational Fields -- Relational Organizational Fields -- Ideational Organizational Fields -- Cultural Organizational Fields -- Mnemonic Fields: Reconceptualizing Organizational Fields as Mnemonic Communities -- Organizational Mnemonics -- Mnemonic Fields -- Dimensions of Mnemonic Fields -- The Genealogical Dimension -- The Narrative Dimension -- The Moral Dimension -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 4: Economics of Convention and its Perspective on Knowledge and Institutions -- Theoretical Architecture of Economics of Convention and its Core Concepts -- Why Convention Theory? -- Reintegrating Empirical and Normative Analysis -- Realizing a Transdisciplinary Practice in Institutional Analysis -- Using a Pragmatist and Structuralist Methodology -- Addressing Contemporary Core Problems -- The Relation Between Knowledge and Institutions. Institution: A Constrained Concept -- Knowledge: Conventions as Deeper Discursive Structures -- Conventions and Regional Economies -- Global Value Chains -- Summary -- References -- Part II: Institutional Dynamics Between Continuity and Change -- Chapter 5: Gastronomic Societies in the Basque Country -- History of the Txoko -- Formal and Informal Requirements: How the Txoko Comes to Life -- Between Homogenization and Differentiation -- Between Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft: Plebeian Culture, Moral Economy, and Commensality -- References -- Chapter 6: Drift and Morphosis in Institutional Change: Evidence from the'Walz' and Public Tendering in Germany -- Drift of the Walz: The German Journeyman's Years on the Road -- The Institutional Form of the Walz -- Changes in the Institutional Context: Authorities, Regulation, and Control -- The Institutional Drift of the Walz -- Morphosis of Public Procurement in Germany -- The Institutional Function of Promoting Local Commerce -- Changes in the Institutional Context: The Imperative of Nondiscrimination -- The Institutional Morphosis of Public Procurement -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 7: Innovation Under a Protected Label of Origin: Institutional Change in Cognac -- Regionally Defined Institutions and Firm Behavior -- The Theoretical Framework -- Research Design and Methods -- The Case and Observations -- Analysis-Periods of Incremental and Radical Change -- Conclusions -- References -- Chapter 8: The Art of Reconstructing a Shared Responsibility: Institutional Work of a Transnational Commons -- Institutional Work in the Context of Transnational Commons -- Methods -- Empirical Case -- Data and Analysis -- Findings: The Production of Art as a Form of Institutional Work -- Mechanisms of Institutional Work -- Creating Emotional Response -- Educating -- Empowering -- Discussion -- Conclusion -- References. Chapter 9: Know Thy Place: Location and Imagined Communities in Institutional Field Dynamics -- Theoretical Grounding: Institutional Fields, Place, and Knowing -- Place, Institutional Dynamics, and Institutional Fields -- Institutional Fields, Collective Identity, and Field-level Events -- Methodology -- An Israeli Hi-tech Event as a Case Study -- Data Collection and Analysis -- Locating the Field of Israeli High-Tech: Imagined Geography, Practice, and Memory -- Divided We Stand -- Constructing an Imagined Geographical Community -- Constructing a Community of Practice -- Constructing a Mnemonic Community -- Discussion: Locating the Field -- References -- Part III: The Impact of Institutions on Regional Learning and Development -- Chapter 10: Regional Innovation Transitions -- The Problem: Innovation and Turbulent Regional Economic Performance -- A Brief Introduction to Los Angeles and San Francisco -- Changes in Specialization: The Key Determinant of Income Levels -- The Causes of Divergent Specialization: Standard Explanations from Urban Economics -- Innovation as a Lottery: Accidents, Size, and Background -- Development as a Lottery: Accidents and Shocks -- The Size of Agglomerations -- Technological Relatedness and Subsequent Specialization -- Relational Infrastructure Potentiates Breakthrough Entrepreneurship and New Organizational Practices -- Cross-Network Connections -- Organized Sites of Cross-Network Contact -- Informal Networks: Invisible Colleges -- Structure, Strength, and Content of Leadership Networks -- The Biotechnology Case: History Repeats Itself -- What is in the Air: Contrasting Regional Zeitgeists -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 11: Institutions and the Thirst for 'Prestige' Transport Infrastructure -- Does Investment in Infrastructure Always Lead to Growth?. How Do Institutions Shape Infrastructure Decisions and Economic Growth? -- On How Transport Investment Projects Spiral out of Control -- On Corruption and Collusion in Transport Infrastructure Investment Decisions -- On Cost Overruns and Delays -- What are the Economic Implications for Areas with Weak Institutions? -- What are the Implications for Public Policy? -- References -- Chapter 12: Globalization and Institutional Change in Italian Industrial Districts -- Industrial Districts and Globalization Processes -- Regional Growth and Institutional Change -- Institutions and Institutional Context -- Industrial, Institutional, and Regional Change -- Methodology -- The Socioeconomic Context of Canavese -- Fiat and the Automotive-Metallurgical Industry -- Olivetti and the Electronics-Mechatronics Industry -- From Localized Learning to Open Systems -- Internationalization of Fiat -- Institutional Legacy of Olivetti and Arduino -- Conclusions and Policy Implications -- References -- Chapter 13: Studying Entrepreneurship as an Institution -- Connecting Institutional Theory and Entrepreneurship Research -- Prior Entrepreneurship Research: From Dispositions and Motives to Institutional Influences -- Contextual Sources of Entrepreneurship: Recent Studies -- Group-Based Variation in Rates of Entrepreneurship -- Group-Based Variation in Forms of Entrepreneurship -- An Institutional Approach to Entrepreneurship -- Two Dimensions of Entrepreneurship: Entry and Governance Modes -- Modes of Entry -- Emergent Mode -- Apprenticeship Mode -- Neophyte Mode -- Modes of Governance -- Solo Entrepreneurs -- Family Teams -- Nonfamily Teams -- Explaining Institutional Variations in Entrepreneurship -- Sources and Outcomes of Different Entry Modes -- Emergent Mode -- Apprenticeship Mode -- Neophyte Mode -- Sources and Outcomes of Variation in Governance Modes. Solo versus Team-Based Modes -- Family versus Nonfamily Team Modes -- Conclusions -- References -- The Klaus Tschira Stiftung -- Index.
Electronic books.
Knowledge and Institutions. - 1st ed. - 1 online resource (309 pages) - Knowledge and Space Series ; v.13 . - Knowledge and Space Series .
Intro -- Acknowledgements -- Contents -- Contributors -- Chapter 1: On the Spatiality of Institutions and Knowledge -- The Institutional Turn in Geography -- A Spatial Turn in Institutional Theory? -- Institutions, Change, and Social Outcomes: Key Challenges -- Structure of the Book -- Challenges in Institutional Research -- Institutional Dynamics Between Continuity and Change -- The Impact of Institutions on Regional Learning and Development -- Conclusion -- References -- Part I: Challenges in Institutional Research -- Chapter 2: The Shared Challenges of Institutional Theories: Rational Choice, Historical Institutionalism, and Sociological Institutionalism -- Economic Geography and Institutional Change -- Rational Choice Institutionalism -- Historical Institutionalism -- Sociological Institutionalism -- A Different Approach to Institutions -- References -- Chapter 3: Organizational Fields as Mnemonic Communities -- Network Structure and Collective Cognition -- Organizational Fields -- Functional Organizational Fields -- Relational Organizational Fields -- Ideational Organizational Fields -- Cultural Organizational Fields -- Mnemonic Fields: Reconceptualizing Organizational Fields as Mnemonic Communities -- Organizational Mnemonics -- Mnemonic Fields -- Dimensions of Mnemonic Fields -- The Genealogical Dimension -- The Narrative Dimension -- The Moral Dimension -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 4: Economics of Convention and its Perspective on Knowledge and Institutions -- Theoretical Architecture of Economics of Convention and its Core Concepts -- Why Convention Theory? -- Reintegrating Empirical and Normative Analysis -- Realizing a Transdisciplinary Practice in Institutional Analysis -- Using a Pragmatist and Structuralist Methodology -- Addressing Contemporary Core Problems -- The Relation Between Knowledge and Institutions. Institution: A Constrained Concept -- Knowledge: Conventions as Deeper Discursive Structures -- Conventions and Regional Economies -- Global Value Chains -- Summary -- References -- Part II: Institutional Dynamics Between Continuity and Change -- Chapter 5: Gastronomic Societies in the Basque Country -- History of the Txoko -- Formal and Informal Requirements: How the Txoko Comes to Life -- Between Homogenization and Differentiation -- Between Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft: Plebeian Culture, Moral Economy, and Commensality -- References -- Chapter 6: Drift and Morphosis in Institutional Change: Evidence from the'Walz' and Public Tendering in Germany -- Drift of the Walz: The German Journeyman's Years on the Road -- The Institutional Form of the Walz -- Changes in the Institutional Context: Authorities, Regulation, and Control -- The Institutional Drift of the Walz -- Morphosis of Public Procurement in Germany -- The Institutional Function of Promoting Local Commerce -- Changes in the Institutional Context: The Imperative of Nondiscrimination -- The Institutional Morphosis of Public Procurement -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 7: Innovation Under a Protected Label of Origin: Institutional Change in Cognac -- Regionally Defined Institutions and Firm Behavior -- The Theoretical Framework -- Research Design and Methods -- The Case and Observations -- Analysis-Periods of Incremental and Radical Change -- Conclusions -- References -- Chapter 8: The Art of Reconstructing a Shared Responsibility: Institutional Work of a Transnational Commons -- Institutional Work in the Context of Transnational Commons -- Methods -- Empirical Case -- Data and Analysis -- Findings: The Production of Art as a Form of Institutional Work -- Mechanisms of Institutional Work -- Creating Emotional Response -- Educating -- Empowering -- Discussion -- Conclusion -- References. Chapter 9: Know Thy Place: Location and Imagined Communities in Institutional Field Dynamics -- Theoretical Grounding: Institutional Fields, Place, and Knowing -- Place, Institutional Dynamics, and Institutional Fields -- Institutional Fields, Collective Identity, and Field-level Events -- Methodology -- An Israeli Hi-tech Event as a Case Study -- Data Collection and Analysis -- Locating the Field of Israeli High-Tech: Imagined Geography, Practice, and Memory -- Divided We Stand -- Constructing an Imagined Geographical Community -- Constructing a Community of Practice -- Constructing a Mnemonic Community -- Discussion: Locating the Field -- References -- Part III: The Impact of Institutions on Regional Learning and Development -- Chapter 10: Regional Innovation Transitions -- The Problem: Innovation and Turbulent Regional Economic Performance -- A Brief Introduction to Los Angeles and San Francisco -- Changes in Specialization: The Key Determinant of Income Levels -- The Causes of Divergent Specialization: Standard Explanations from Urban Economics -- Innovation as a Lottery: Accidents, Size, and Background -- Development as a Lottery: Accidents and Shocks -- The Size of Agglomerations -- Technological Relatedness and Subsequent Specialization -- Relational Infrastructure Potentiates Breakthrough Entrepreneurship and New Organizational Practices -- Cross-Network Connections -- Organized Sites of Cross-Network Contact -- Informal Networks: Invisible Colleges -- Structure, Strength, and Content of Leadership Networks -- The Biotechnology Case: History Repeats Itself -- What is in the Air: Contrasting Regional Zeitgeists -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 11: Institutions and the Thirst for 'Prestige' Transport Infrastructure -- Does Investment in Infrastructure Always Lead to Growth?. How Do Institutions Shape Infrastructure Decisions and Economic Growth? -- On How Transport Investment Projects Spiral out of Control -- On Corruption and Collusion in Transport Infrastructure Investment Decisions -- On Cost Overruns and Delays -- What are the Economic Implications for Areas with Weak Institutions? -- What are the Implications for Public Policy? -- References -- Chapter 12: Globalization and Institutional Change in Italian Industrial Districts -- Industrial Districts and Globalization Processes -- Regional Growth and Institutional Change -- Institutions and Institutional Context -- Industrial, Institutional, and Regional Change -- Methodology -- The Socioeconomic Context of Canavese -- Fiat and the Automotive-Metallurgical Industry -- Olivetti and the Electronics-Mechatronics Industry -- From Localized Learning to Open Systems -- Internationalization of Fiat -- Institutional Legacy of Olivetti and Arduino -- Conclusions and Policy Implications -- References -- Chapter 13: Studying Entrepreneurship as an Institution -- Connecting Institutional Theory and Entrepreneurship Research -- Prior Entrepreneurship Research: From Dispositions and Motives to Institutional Influences -- Contextual Sources of Entrepreneurship: Recent Studies -- Group-Based Variation in Rates of Entrepreneurship -- Group-Based Variation in Forms of Entrepreneurship -- An Institutional Approach to Entrepreneurship -- Two Dimensions of Entrepreneurship: Entry and Governance Modes -- Modes of Entry -- Emergent Mode -- Apprenticeship Mode -- Neophyte Mode -- Modes of Governance -- Solo Entrepreneurs -- Family Teams -- Nonfamily Teams -- Explaining Institutional Variations in Entrepreneurship -- Sources and Outcomes of Different Entry Modes -- Emergent Mode -- Apprenticeship Mode -- Neophyte Mode -- Sources and Outcomes of Variation in Governance Modes. Solo versus Team-Based Modes -- Family versus Nonfamily Team Modes -- Conclusions -- References -- The Klaus Tschira Stiftung -- Index.
Electronic books.