Heaven, hell, and everything in between : murals of the colonial Andes /
Cohen Suarez, Ananda,
Heaven, hell, and everything in between : murals of the colonial Andes / Ananda Cohen Suarez. - First edition. - 1 online resource (305 pages) : illustrations, photographs. - Recovering Languages and Literacies of the Americas . - Recovering languages and literacies of the Americas. .
Includes bibliographical references and index.
9781477300442 (e-book)
Indian mural painting and decoration--Andes Region.
Indian mural painting and decoration--Peru (Viceroyalty)
Indians of South America--Antiquities.--Andes Region
Indians of South America--Religion.--Andes Region
Art and society--History.--Andes Region
Art--Political aspects--History.--Andes Region
Electronic books.
F3429.3.P34 / .C644 2016
Heaven, hell, and everything in between : murals of the colonial Andes / Ananda Cohen Suarez. - First edition. - 1 online resource (305 pages) : illustrations, photographs. - Recovering Languages and Literacies of the Americas . - Recovering languages and literacies of the Americas. .
Includes bibliographical references and index.
9781477300442 (e-book)
Indian mural painting and decoration--Andes Region.
Indian mural painting and decoration--Peru (Viceroyalty)
Indians of South America--Antiquities.--Andes Region
Indians of South America--Religion.--Andes Region
Art and society--History.--Andes Region
Art--Political aspects--History.--Andes Region
Electronic books.
F3429.3.P34 / .C644 2016