New Understanding Physics for Advanced Level / 

Jim Breithaupt

New Understanding Physics for Advanced Level /  Physics for advanced level Jim Breithaupt - 4th ed. - United Kingdom: Nelson Thornes Ltd; Oxford University Press,  2014. - ix, 727p. : ill. ; 28cm.

Includes index.

Theme A Mechanics: Dynamics, force and energy, statistics, rotational dynamics, oscillations; Theme A Materials: Molecules and materials, strength of solids, fluids, thermal properties of materials, gases, thermodynamics; Theme C Fields: gravitational fields, electric fields, magnetic fields, electromagnetic fields; Theme D Waves: wave motion, sound, physical optics, optical instruments, electromagnetic waves. Astronomy and cosmology; Theme E Electricity: Current and charge, meters and bridges, alternating current circuits; electronics; communications; Theme F Inside the atom: The properties of the electron, radioactivity, electrons inside the atom, nuclear energy, particles and patterns; Theme G Physics in medicine: biomedical measurements, non-ionizing radiation, using ionizing radiation, the physics of the human body.

The fourth edition of this best-selling Student Book covers popular options including particle physics, relativity and quantum physics, materials and astronomy. Written with great clarity and extensively illustrated, hundreds of experiments are discussed and worked examples are presented throughout.
