Web developer's reference guide : a one-stop guide to the essentials of web development including popular frameworks such as jQuery, Bootstrap, AngularJS, and Node.js /
Johanan, Joshua,
Web developer's reference guide : a one-stop guide to the essentials of web development including popular frameworks such as jQuery, Bootstrap, AngularJS, and Node.js / Joshua Johanan, Talha Khan, Ricardo Zea. - 1 online resource (838 pages) - Community experience distilled . - Community experience distilled. .
Includes index.
9781783552146 (e-book)
Web site development.
Electronic books.
TK5105.888 / .J64 2016
Web developer's reference guide : a one-stop guide to the essentials of web development including popular frameworks such as jQuery, Bootstrap, AngularJS, and Node.js / Joshua Johanan, Talha Khan, Ricardo Zea. - 1 online resource (838 pages) - Community experience distilled . - Community experience distilled. .
Includes index.
9781783552146 (e-book)
Web site development.
Electronic books.
TK5105.888 / .J64 2016