Modern Land Law /

Mark P. Thompson

Modern Land Law / Mark P. Thompson - 3rd ed. - United Kingdom: Oxford University Press, 2006.  - xlvi, 571 p. ; 25 cm

1. The Scope of the Subject; 2. Tenure and Estates; 3. Law and Equity; 4. The 1925 Legislation; 5. Registration of Title; 6. The Transfer of Freehold Land; 7. Possessory Titles; 8. Consecutive and Concurrent Interests in Land; 9. Co-ownership 1: Acquisition of Interests in the Home; 10. Co-ownership 2: The Legal Framework of Co-ownership; 11. Leasehold Estates; 12. Mortgages; 13. Easements; 14. Covenants between Freeholders; 15. Licences and Estoppel

Provides an introduction to the basic principles of contemporary land law, covering the major topics studied by undergraduates. This book explores the social context within which the law operates and guides students through the various debates which continue around the subject. It is designed to map directly on to mainstream university courses.

