Parliament and Parliamentarism : a comparative history of a European concept /
Parliament and Parliamentarism : a comparative history of a European concept /
edited by Pasi Ihalainen, Cornelia Ilie, and Kari Palonen.
- 1 online resource (340 pages).
- European Conceptual History .
Includes bibliographical references at the end of each chapters and index.
9781782389552 (e-book)
Legislative bodies--Europe.
Representative government and representation--Europe.
Legislative power--Europe.
Electronic books.
JN8 / .P375 2016
Includes bibliographical references at the end of each chapters and index.
9781782389552 (e-book)
Legislative bodies--Europe.
Representative government and representation--Europe.
Legislative power--Europe.
Electronic books.
JN8 / .P375 2016