Listen again : a new history of music /

Wulstan, David,

Listen again : a new history of music / David Wulstan. - 1 online resource (480 pages) : illustrations, music

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Some matters of terminology and other preliminaries -- The recognition of key -- Tonal balance and minor tonality : the use of sequences; dissonance -- The rule of the octave : harmony and rhythm -- The enhanced tonic : fugal technique and tonality -- Complex key -- The classical style -- The classical style -- Classical to romantic : Beethoven and Schubert -- The romantic era (1) : Chopin, Brahms and Mendelssohn -- The romantic era (2) : the age of Wagner -- The perception of music -- The twentieth century (1) : the palette of Debussy -- The twentieth century (2) : themes and theories in the music of Stravinsky and some other composers -- The twentieth century (3) : techniques and treatises : Bartok, Hindemith, and others -- Saturday night and Sunday morning -- Two cultures -- Medival to Renaissance -- Renaissance to Baroque -- Back to the future.

9781442237506 (e-book)

Music--History and criticism.

Electronic books.

ML193 / .W87 2015
