Hybrid cloud management with Red Hat CloudForms : build, manage, and control an open hybrid cloud infrastructure using Red Hat CloudForms /
Rath, Sangram,
Hybrid cloud management with Red Hat CloudForms : build, manage, and control an open hybrid cloud infrastructure using Red Hat CloudForms / Sangram Rath. - 1 online resource (174 pages) : illustrations. - Community Experience Distilled . - Community experience distilled. .
Includes index.
9781785286438 (e-book)
Cloud computing.
Electronic books.
QA76.58 / .R384 2015
Hybrid cloud management with Red Hat CloudForms : build, manage, and control an open hybrid cloud infrastructure using Red Hat CloudForms / Sangram Rath. - 1 online resource (174 pages) : illustrations. - Community Experience Distilled . - Community experience distilled. .
Includes index.
9781785286438 (e-book)
Cloud computing.
Electronic books.
QA76.58 / .R384 2015