The Art of Business Communication: How to use pictures, charts and graphics to make your message stick /

Graham Shaw

The Art of Business Communication: How to use pictures, charts and graphics to make your message stick / Graham Shaw - 1st Ed - Harlow: Pearson Education Limited, 2015. - 208 p. : ill. ; 23 cm

1. Why Visual Works 2. Building Your Drawing Skills 3. How to Think in Pictures 4. Communicating With Drawings 5. The Power of Two Visuals 6. Making Key Messages Memorable 7. Metaphors and Similes 8. Business Models and Processes 9. Bringing Graphs and Charts to Life 10. Brilliant Bullet Points 11. Visual Mapping 12. Your Visual Toolkit

Whether it's in emails, documents, presentations, meetings or tweets, we're all being bombarded by millions of words every day. So, how do you make your message stand out and stick amongst all this chatter?

The answer is simple - just get visual!

With a straightforward doodle or a quick illustration you'll revolutionise how your message impacts your audience. And The Art of Business Communication will show you how to do it.

