Shake terribly the earth : stories from an Appalachian family /

Childers, Sarah Beth, 1982-

Shake terribly the earth : stories from an Appalachian family / Stories from an Appalachian family Sarah Beth Childers. - 1 online resource (215 pages) - Race, ethnicity, and gender in Appalachia .

O glorious love -- Shorn -- Through a Train window -- My dead-grandmother essay -- Scissors -- Ghost siblings -- Garbage-bag charity -- At his feet as dead -- Give 'em Jesus -- Hot girls in short skirts -- Shake terribly the earth -- November leaves -- Boat stories: three generations -- The Tricia has crashed -- Kite string.


Childers, Sarah Beth, 1982-
Childers, Sarah Beth, 1982- --Family.

Appalachians (People)--Social life and customs.
Authors, American--20th century--Biography.

Appalachian Region--Religious life and customs.
Appalachian Region--Social conditions.

Electronic books.

PS3603.H554 / Z46 2013
