Practical Object-oriented Design with UML Mark Priestly
Priestly, Mark
Practical Object-oriented Design with UML Mark Priestly - 2nd Ed. - New York McGraw Hill; c - xiii,357p.: ill. 25cm
Electronic data personnel --Certification
Computer software--Development--Examination--Study guides
UML (computer science) --Examination--Study guide
QA76.64 .P75 2004 / QA76.64 .P75 2004
Practical Object-oriented Design with UML Mark Priestly - 2nd Ed. - New York McGraw Hill; c - xiii,357p.: ill. 25cm
Electronic data personnel --Certification
Computer software--Development--Examination--Study guides
UML (computer science) --Examination--Study guide
QA76.64 .P75 2004 / QA76.64 .P75 2004