Concentrate: Evidence /
Maureen Spencer
Concentrate: Evidence / Maureen Spencer; John Spencer - 2nd ed. - United Kingdom: Oxford University Press, 2012. - XVI, 179, [1], A19 : ill. ; 21 cm.
1. Introduction, principles and key concepts ; 2. Burden of proof and presumptions ; 3. Confessions and the defendant's silence ; 4. Improperly obtained evidence, other than confessions ; 5. Character evidence ; 6. Hearsay evidence ; 7. Competence and compellability, special measures ; 8. Issues in the course of trial ; 9. Opinion evidence ; 10. Public interest immunity ; 11. Privilege
Accurate and accessible, Concentrate guides enable you to take exams with confidence. Including revision tips and advice for extra marks, alongside a thorough and focussed breakdown of the key topics and cases, this guide will help you to get the most out of your revision and to maximise your performance in exams.
Concentrate: Evidence / Maureen Spencer; John Spencer - 2nd ed. - United Kingdom: Oxford University Press, 2012. - XVI, 179, [1], A19 : ill. ; 21 cm.
1. Introduction, principles and key concepts ; 2. Burden of proof and presumptions ; 3. Confessions and the defendant's silence ; 4. Improperly obtained evidence, other than confessions ; 5. Character evidence ; 6. Hearsay evidence ; 7. Competence and compellability, special measures ; 8. Issues in the course of trial ; 9. Opinion evidence ; 10. Public interest immunity ; 11. Privilege
Accurate and accessible, Concentrate guides enable you to take exams with confidence. Including revision tips and advice for extra marks, alongside a thorough and focussed breakdown of the key topics and cases, this guide will help you to get the most out of your revision and to maximise your performance in exams.